
What did I just read?

My brother and I tried to a few times but could never decide on how to play and always ended up bored or fighting.

I live in Lexington and this sounds about right. People are fucking stupid.

Pretty much my exact experience. I picked up the old copy of the Hobbit I read with my dad when I was really young recently and it was crazy how many memories the pictures and even the way the book smelled brought back. I'd reread it before then but there was something really special about rereading that first copy of

His Dark Materials is a great choice. I never really picked up on the religious stuff in Narnia as a kid because my parents weren't religious and I just didn't know about any of it but His Dark Materials is an excellent substitute. I should really reread those sometime.

Redwall was my shit in elementary school. I saw Brian Jaques speak at a book store at least three time back then and got a bunch of my books signed by him. I wonder if I still have those somewhere.

Pssst that's an Archer quote. I'm sure there was no insult of Animal Farm intended.

I read a couple of the other books but never got that into them either. I remember one about time travel and Noah's ark that was pretty cool but that's about it. The first one was one of my favorite books though and I should really reread it sometime.

Same here. Calvin's life was like an idealized version of mine where all my schemes and planned adventures and inventions actually worked out. The lack of social skills and imagination were spot on though.

Ooh that's a good one too. I had a big collection of all the books that I read a couple times but then I left it in Latvia visiting my grandparents who were teaching ESL there. It was a very dull flight home without it.

My main memory of that book was reading it for a project on book banning in high school. We had to discuss it with other people and talk about why it should or shouldn't be banned. The girl I had to discuss it with said "I think it should be banned because women shouldn't be treated like that." When I pointed out that

My parents didn't censor their music for kids at all either. I once got in trouble at a church camp for repeatedly singing "I'm high as a kite I just might stop to check you out" from blister in the sun when i was in third or fourth grade.

My parents were the same way which definitely led to me reading some things I probably shouldn't have at that age. Fortunately with books kids tend to just not understand things unlike movies where even if you don't quite get it you still see it happening on the screen. There's some stuff I reread as a teenager and

That's definitely one of mine. One f my favorite childhood memories is my dad reading the whole series to me when I was five or six and I still live them today. Their definitely what instilled a love of fantasy in me.


I had a friend with pygmy goats for a while and he spoke very highly of them. I do not know if they ever drank Mountain Dew.

I'm having the same problem. I don't know what I'm going to do all day tomorrow if I cant be on the A.V club on my phone.

I liked him quite a bit in Freaks and Geeks. Other than that I find him more valuable as a target for O'Neal than an actor.

What do you get out of hanging around here? You obviously don't enjoy it so why even stay?

I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be magic. He cut his finger with it before the fight and it looked like the blood made it burst into flames. Plus he worships a god of fire who has been shown to have legitimate powers (or at least priests with powers). I don't think you can just light a normal sword on fire like