
I got a definite brainwashing vibe from Stannis's wife. She kept mentioning how Melisandre had talked to her. I guess she could just be super religious too and really believe everything a priestess says.

I took it as Beric being some kind of chosen one. I think that if they could bring anyone back to life a bigger deal would have been made about it. He also has that magic sword which seems to indicate he has a connection to the god or some kind of magic.

Yeah she would have to go to some truly extreme lengths for my disgust to overwhelm my attraction to her. Basic cavewoman dirt doesn't even come close.

I saw the original post already but I have to comment again to say how fantastic this is.

It's applicable to so many different situations.

I don't intend to. That implies some level of respect for the deceased.

I think it's definitely in its death throws. I haven't had any serious issues like other people seem to have had but my notification wont go away no matter how many times I click on them.

Shit. I thought this wouldn't affect me but people keep bringing up shows I actually watch that are gonna disappear.

Yeah it seems to me like if it isn't causing any problems there's no reason to deactivate it. (Obviously if credit card information is at risk it should be cancelled.)

Oh shit I didn't think about Avatar. This is unfortunate.

I wouldn't have a problem with AFHV if it wasn't for the memories of my little brother watching it and laughing incredibly loudly for hours at like ten at night. Now just the thought of it makes me kind of angry.

Also as someone mentioned earlier NOT REALLY A SPOILER BUT FROM THE BOOK apparently the slaver people were rivals with the ancient Valyrians but were always defeated because they didn't have dragons  so getting a dragon was especially significant for him. Even without that I can see anyone losing their head over a

I'm not saying I can't just that it's uncomfortable and doesn't occur naturally. Like I said occasional cleanings do take place to eliminate the threat of smegma.

It really is. I actually have several charity shirts that I bought because I support the cause but have never worn and never will wear because they're just so ugly.

A friend of mine who noodles a bit has told me that sticking your hand in a snapping turtle hole instead of a catfish one is a the biggest danger of noodling.

I got all of my knowledge of medieval weaponry from much more reliable Dungeons and Dragons manuals.

Not trying to be nitpicky but I'm pretty sure that was a flail not a morning star. Morning stars don't have the chain.

What about straight lesbian vampires?

I have no idea why the Nights(Knights?) Watch don't just kill the incest frontiersman guy. He doesn't have any men and I can't imagine his daughters would be too motivated to stand up to him. They're like thirty of them and they're all armed, why do they take so much shit from him?

When he started screwing around with his eye I thought he was going to cut that out. Then when he pulled away I thought he was okay and then there goes the hand.