
Yeah I liked the music too. It complemented my shock at the ending well. I don't really know why but I thought it worked.

This is what I'm going with too because the idea of a man named Pod being that talented makes me laugh. It's no Hot Pie but it's still a pretty funny name.

Yeah I loved this bit as well. It wasn't integral to the plot or anything but it was damn funny and I think we can spare like a minute and a half of an episode for some humor.

Yeah Jaime's definitely starting to grow on me. He's obviously not a good guy but he's been a really cool character since he escaped and he seems to be getting more likable. Plus he's much too pretty to hate.

Oh I know it's normal and what anyone would do it just feels kind of selfish when you really think about it.

The third one was crap. It seemed like she ran out of ideas after the first book and just rewrote it twice. Oh look now she has to go back to the arena. Oh now they're attacking the capitol but instead of soldiers and guns they use obstacles from the arena to protect their city. I still like the first one quite a bit

I just found out my uncle was running in the race today. Thankfully he finished quickly and was back in his hotel before the bombs went off but I just feel kind of sick right now. Then I feel like an asshole for caring more about the person I know than the people who were actually hurt or killed. This whole thing is

@avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus Yeah I really have no intention of doing this stuff. Like I said there's a lot of addiction in my family (Grandpa died of an OD) and it's just not something I want to get caught up in especially now that there's a jew froed assailant involved as well.

That's hilarious.

Yeah I took one hit of some stuff some guy at a campsite near mine had and was fried for about five hours. I thought I smoked pretty decent weed and wasn't expecting much from one hit but it was ridiculous. It's fairly easy to be taken by surprise in these situatuons.

I can get pretty self hating when I'm high. Sometimes lounging around stoned watching T.V or whatever makes me realize what a lazy fuck I am and I can start getting pretty down on myself. Fortunately I tend to forget about it in fifteen minutes or so.

That's kind of crazy to me to be honest. I smoke pot almost everyday but it's always at night when I can just watch T.V or something until I fall asleep. I can't imagine trying to just function on a normal day baked It's pretty sweet that you could make that work though, sounds like a lot more fun.

This is exactly how I feel and no one ever agrees with me. Acid is so clean and bright and happy and there's no body load but shrooms make me feel like there's something physically wrong with me. It never really hurts or anything but I'm just tense and kind of nauseous the whole time and it's not a lot of fun. Shrooms

Well that's terrifying.

I agree that it still has its moments and is worth watching but it is not the show I fell in love with. Even this episode which I think I have decided to dislike had some funny moments and was certainly strange enough to keep me entertained throughout.

I love this with all my heart. It's not quite as good as it was in my imagination but I love it all the same. This clip is precisely the reason television was invented.

I'd actually forgotten my name and avatar were Groofus when I brought this up and now I feel kind of embarrassed for forgetting and kind of proud for unintentionally almost being in character.

Edutainement is something I feel very strongly about.

I'm not quite as new but I watched the whole show starting about a month ago so this is my first season watching it live. It seems like there are a few of us around.

Yeah that's a hard one to come back from.