
That is quite possibly the world's best double date.

This is my first season watching live and I'm really excited to actually be able to talk about it in the comments instead of just reading nine month old discussions. I loved Ser Barristans return and all of the stuff north of the wall. The north stuff was starting to drag a bit last season but now we've got Mance

Thank you for explaining that. I didn't know there were all those Northern prisoners there so I was really confused by that scene. It looked like there'd been a battle there but I couldn't get that to make sense.

My current theory on Winterfell's burning is Walder Frey. Someone brought it up in the comments last season and I think it makes a lot of sense. Presumably he heard about Robb marrying the nurse and decided to get his revenge.

Also liked for "Order of the White Lotus". Now I'm imagining all the old badasses of Game of Thrones teaming up at the end of the show and it's awesome.

I feel exactly the same about a high fantasy TV show being treated so well. This really is something I've been waiting for almost my whole life and it has yet to disappoint me. I try not to get too fanboyish about stuff but every time people complain about something in the show I kind of want to scream "We get to

Yeah I get the same feeling. It's like someone read my mind and decided to make everything I think is awesome into a show.

Exactly. There are shows I consider better but Game of Thrones really gets to me in a way nothing else does. I think I've been waiting my entire life for a big budget, well acted fantasy T.V show and this hits all of those buttons almost perfectly. There's no other show where I can watch an incredibly well acted,

Same here. I watch very little live T.v in general so this whole waiting thing is unusual for me and I don't think I like it.

I've done this playing poker before and I'm not even colorblind just dumb. I know I've done it during some other matching based card game too. i'm not very attentive.

This is just one of the strangest things I've ever read on here. I had no idea that there were people who are still legitimately angry at Germany as a country for the Holocaust. I kind of thought by now we'd figured out that responsibility for things isn't hereditary.

I think you mean forfty percent.

Do people even wear pants here?

Yep. I'd call this the funniest episode of the season so far.

This is pretty much exactly how I feel about the episode. The Germans and the ending were annoying but I enjoyed the episode as a whole.

Yeah the ending and the speech kind of sucked.

Yeah I liked this one quite a bit too. I think laughed more during it than any of the other three so far. Then again I do have a bit of a weak spot for accents.

Same here.

Yeah Not Fade Away can be a tough one to watch. I tend to find Buffy more re watchable than Angel even though I liked Angel more on the first run through but I tend to watch Not Fade Away every couple months or so. It's a great episode on its own but I also like that I can watch it without getting sucked into watching

I liked this episode. Watching Parks and Rec right afterwards made me like it a little less in comparison but it was still entertaining. I think the shows glory days are behind it but it's still fun to watch and I'm still holding on to the hope that it'll get better as the season goes on.