
I agree. It was by no means great but it made me laugh more than either of the other two episodes and I definitely enjoyed watching it. I don't really know where all the worst episode stuff is coming from.

A friend of mine who now that I think of it has a great deal in common with Ron Swanson has made a nearly identical statement concerning small dogs in the past.

Yeah the lack of an ambiguous Shirley costume bugged me. It's been a pretty consistent thing and it seems weird they'd just leave it out completely.

The ham costume really made the episode for me. I can forgive a lot of mistakes if I get Britta dressed like a large piece of meat every now and then.

The end was probably my favorite part. It felt the most like real Community to me.

In my case it's kind of the logical part telling me the last two episodes haven't been that great and the emotional part is saying I still love it because its Community

I agree with everyone saying it just wasn't that funny. I enjoyed it and I'm still optimistic about the show but if Britta's ham costume hadn't been there I don't know if I would have actually laughed at all. I probably would have just watched half an hour of her walking in circles in that costume.

Yeah the Will Amy thing made me so much sadder than it should have. It seems like their marriage should have been so perfect.

Yeah that was definitely a let down.

I actually did think of cuntographer but decided it was too dumb to post. Clitographer was also briefly considered.

Well I've spent about five minutes trying to come up with a sexual pun involving the word cartographer and I can't do it. Until such an expert is procured Fuck City must remain unmapped.

Agreed. He's pretty great on Freaks and Geeks in general but I really love that scene.

Damnit I should have looked a little further before bringing fuck city into play

Is Gay Town a suburb of Fuck City?

There are so many exciting things you can trade chickens for. A friend of mines dad traded a crate of chickens for his first truck. It didn't really have brakes and couldn't be parked on hills.

A rifle and a shotgun are perfectly reasonable things to own especially if you do a lot of hunting. The problem is people who for some reason feel the need to have a fucking military arsenal in their closet. I would be pretty upset if anyone tried to ban hunting weapons but I'm all for tighter gun laws.

*Starts loudly playing polka*

Yeah I feel the same way. I love older country and Americana stuff but modern country is something of an abomination. I hate that people talk about how they like every genre of music except country when all they've heard is modern stuff that's just radio pop with acoustic guitars and American flags.

That is incredibly accurate

I love this