
Yeah that's a good one

The first time I saw spinal tap was around Christmas with my family at my grandparents house. I had eaten almost an entire tub of sherbert earlier and upon the revealing of Stonehenge I laughed so hard I literally vomited sherbert all over the floor

Yeah I agree. Lots of people are talking about how the shows been going downhill since season 2 or 3 or whatever and while there might be some truth to that I would still be really happy to get another season or two on par or even slightly worse than season 3 which I loved.

I agree. It might just be me deluding myself for more Community but I think everyone sating the show is dead needs to wait until a couple more episodes have emerged.

I'm still on the side of community. They're both really good shows and I love parks but Community makes me laugh more which gives it the edge.

I'm gonna remain optimistic. There are plenty of episodes that weren't super popular on here that I still thought were really funny so I'm not gonna let a review worry me before I even see the first episode. I love all the characters and even if this assessment based on two episodes turns out to be true for the whole

I third the muppet treasure island love

Yeah the whole idea that moderates are somehow morally superior because they haven't picked a side bugs the hell out of me. I'm totally for respecting other peoples opinions but like you said right answers do exist and you can't pretend they don't just to look open minded.

Yeah the excessive hippie bashing thing bugs me sometimes. Obviously there are a lot of shitty dreadlocked stoners and new age weirdos out there but at a certain point the hippie hating starts to turn into just making fun of people for being sincere and actually caring about things.

Yeah I've found music and book reviews here to be the least in sync with my tastes. They aren't bad but I definitely prefer the movie and tv stuff.

Yeah that really bugged me. It made the character sound really annoying like he was so proud of his nerdiness he had to announce it every time he said anything.

Yeah that really bugged me. It made the character sound really annoying like he was so proud of his nerdiness he had to announce it every time he said anything.

Yeah his narration on the audiobook bugged the crap out of me. I liked the book a lot but hearing it read out loud made a lot of the writing sound really crude and weirdly phrased. I don't know if that's actually true or if its just the narration but it made it kind of hard to listen to. It was a pretty fun way to

Yeah his narration on the audiobook bugged the crap out of me. I liked the book a lot but hearing it read out loud made a lot of the writing sound really crude and weirdly phrased. I don't know if that's actually true or if its just the narration but it made it kind of hard to listen to. It was a pretty fun way to

That is better

Yeah back when I used to play I missed out on fights by getting lost in the dungeon all the time. If I'd been the tank it would have take hours to finish a dungeon

I spent far too long trying to make barbecue actually make sense in this sentence.

Werewolf barmintzvah

That's funny I also got an indifference to the Beatles from my mom. She got me really into big star when I was in middle school and I still sort of think as them as a better Beatles than the Beatles

Heh Bon Iver is the music my parents would use to get my half brothers to fall asleep. It certainly has some sedative properties