Just Another Day

I'm all on board for Wynn/Lyra just because I think Tamzin Merchant is excellent and thus far tragically underutilized. She would've made a superb Daenerys Targaryen.

Hey man, it's not nothing, they and their buds are going to walk away with billions and a lot of people who were already struggling are going to suffer unnecessarily. Go conservatism!

I think there are two problems here. One is a disappointing, not to say alarming, appetite for bald-faced racism in a large portion of the American electorate. But arguably of even more concern is a distinct resistance among many more to plain facts. There are probably/definitely things about Trump, Bannon, and all

Fair enough, what else were you going to do with that extra half a thumb?

Yeah, I don't really understand the criticism of Maddow? A scoop fell into her lap, she reported it, with a lot of context as is her metier. It's not a game-changer in and of itself, but it's a piece of information we did not have previously that provides some clues and some context that will probably aid in the

I like that whatever else is going on, Ray has been getting to live out his every childhood fantasy. He's been a knight of the round table, lived with dinosaurs, and now been on the moon. Some people are just better-suited to time travel.

In hindsight it would've worked better with brick or stone or something, though, they made pretty short work of that drywall. You get what you pay for I suppose.

I don't disagree but I've decided not to worry about it. If you squint she was stabbed in the guts and fell into a river, bad news but hardly the worst. And as soon as I fix that in my mind I can handle the rest.

Fake news! Steve Mnuchin's films have won a bunch of academy awards and he's only Secretary of the Treasury, so Trump must have even more to be President.

We contribute to the resistance however we can.

When Jasper said that to Clarke my partner and I paused and basically said to each other, simultaneously, "dude, have you met her?" Deciding who lives and who dies is, like, 80% of what Clarke does, every day, always.

Hey now, don't forget about the law's noble history of holding rich white guys accountable for bad behaviour.

My headcanon is that while the modifications she made stood out to the cast, she didn't actually change much as far as the broader arc of history goes. She imposed some weird fashion and linguistic choices on a successful post-Roman British warlord (which, let's be honest, is a super 1940s thing to do) but didn't

I'm pretty sure that about 60% of why I still watch Flash is because of how much joy it gives me to shout that at Barry Allen. It's the little things.

It's a … not awful happening thing, that occurred, or maybe will occur, so long as we aren't consumed in a fiery nuclear apocalypse before that, and also so long as gay people aren't rounded up and electrocuted to death, and… I'm … happy, if that's still a thing, that she's doing well because she always seemed pretty

And after Luke, Esq., assured us there was no conflict of interest!

Hey now, moles are gentle and good and don't deserve to be compared to a weasel like Depp.

Have spider eggs hatch in his brain.

No, "Dr." is his given name. It's pronounced [dər].

Plot twist: there was not $1.3 million there.