Just Another Day

Maybe I'm just old-fashioned but that seems like an impractical use of language.

Hey I don't want to speak for everyone here. For my household it would be a challenge. Who has the time?

Zombies probably need more food than ordinary humans, but even if they don't I'd think that needing to kill someone every few weeks or even every few months would be a pretty significant burden on most people.

Fair enough, that's an awful thing to know happened in your neighbourhood. I hope everyone involved gets the support and help they need.

You're missing the point, which isn't whether it's true that America has a lot of killers (probably by most metrics this is accurate), but whether this is a reasonable response to being asked why you respect Putin, who has had many people killed. I presume you wouldn't want your neighbourhood murderer to be in charge

They could certainly fuck it up, but I have modest confidence that Eliot being trapped in an ostensibly heterosexual and monogamous marriage will be used to explore his identity in productive and interesting ways. The show has hardly forgotten that he's not straight.

That's good, though, if the analogy holds. Remember, the USA is the bad guy in all the plausible total war scenarios.

Are you of the Charisma=>good looks philosophy then? ("Comeliness")

Also gem placement.

We take interference with the Global Strategic Maple Syrup Reserve very seriously.

Balls aren't tough, either. They're delicate, easily offended things. Like the president.

Good episode, but maple syrup theft is all too real.

I would note, however, that as tempting as it is to blame Trump, Canada has its own terrible strain of home-grown islamophobia. I doubt he's making it any better, but we're more than capable of this shit on our own.

Then they came for Men Without Hats, but I did nothing because I had a hat.

The best of friends help each other out and it's a beautiful thing. I won't hear a word against it.

Hey man, Moose isn't gay. He's just a good friend, bless his heart.

Betty and Veronica really felt like the heroes to me (Veronica especially).

Just rewatched it on Netflix. Still love it. I don't understand a viewing public that likes Star Wars but doesn't love Jupiter Ascending.

It's actually mostly Styrofoam.

Fun nature fact: Most bottlenose dolphins are very kind and empathetic, but some were raised in challenging circumstances and have learned cruelty as a sort of defence against a world that has itself treated them cruelly.