Just Another Day

That was my thought as well. "Cinematic universe" seems like an oversell of "sequel [but not a direct sequel]".

But you just answered your own question. You build a universe brick by brick. What else exists in the John Wick universe besides stylish assassins? One presumes that further films in the franchise might tell us that.

Wait, can't you just create things on the fly? Aren't we supposed to prefer original properties to endless retreads of familiar territory? Isn't a criticism of the Marvel/DC endless series that they crowd out newer ideas?

I think Doc Holliday's costume and character design in this show is an unappreciated work of genius. He has the worst moustache in the world but is so hot, and I think it's a product of very careful calibration of style and fit (like note how all his old man sweaters are tailored to emphasize how lean he is), plus Tim

A small thing I appreciate about the show is that its opening credit sequence is an unusually true capture of the feel of the show itself (as opposed to a show like True Blood, which never managed to live up to its credit sequence). So I might hazard that as a really quick assessment, you could see if you find

As a non-morning person I'm probably also pretty impressionable at 7am.

I bicycled to work really early this morning 'cause I had to leave early for a doctor's appointment, and I have to say, the 7am cyclists are much more together than the 830am cyclists. Better dressed, better riders, better grasp of the rules of the road. Maybe morning people really are just better.

I feel like they may be learning a lesson about intensity of fandom versus quantity of viewers, which might matter more for their model than it does for conventional television.

Wait, did something happen to the fourth non-blonde!?

Sense8 is at this point unique, and speaks to a lot of its fans, myself included, on a very personal and emotional level. So the reaction to losing it, suddenly and without closure, was much closer to grief than to disappointment for many of us.

I'm going to resubscribe when I get home today.

100%. They've put a lot of money into it, they might as well exert the minimum effort to have a complete product to package, sell, keep in the library, etc.

Bash I'm not sure about - I get the vibe you're talking about but I get lots of chemistry from him and Carmen too. I'd love it if he was bi.

I welcome Alison Brie as the vision of hideous strength that protects us from wasteland incursions.

I read part of the Florian/Debbie scene as him being very not into women, too, but I suppose we'll see.

Unless you don't have any sex, in which case I wouldn't bother.

I feel like this is related to that weird phenomenon we get in places like the AV Club where there's a news article about Kesha's lawsuit and a bunch of dudes feel compelled to chime in with how they never liked her music. It's like, cool, noted, but… why are you here?

I adore Alison, but Donnie and Helena is the road trip movie I want in that trio.

I see it as very short-sighted. Sense8 was a high-prestige show and its stock wasn't going to go down. It was groundbreaking and fervently beloved. I could see giving it a bit of a haircut and bringing it to an earlier close than the creators had planned if the viewer or retention or whatever numbers weren't there (3

It's always a bit of a red flag for me when people talk about Sense8 being "edgy" or "shocking". It has some stylized comic book violence, and some fairly explicit but very wholesome sex? I can only see it as shocking to someone for whom gay people having sex is per se shocking?