Just Another Day

I had a frisson of nervousness when I first read that interview because I was always aware of Sense8's precariousness - but I was calmed a bit by the line about risk-taking because what property that they own could possibly embody that principle better?

This is really part of what makes this so frustrating. They've invested a lot of money in the show. The value of that investment decreases significantly if it's left incomplete. Would a wrapup Christmas special be so out of the question, at a bare minimum? (particularly since matters were left such that it could have

Oh my christ I needed that. I was verklempt through the first half of the film such that it didn't fucking matter at all that the second half was a bit of a mess.

I'm sure glad you're here to tell everyone how to grieve.

I cancelled my subscription. Maybe I'll go back some day but right now it feels like the only thing to do.

Yeah, that was my thought too. I hope this just lets her and Alex be happy in the background without it being a big ol' thing all the time.

My thought has always been that since probably most extant human communities on earth are centered around nuclear shelters (which is how they survived the first nuclear apocalypse) many if not most would presumably have had some ability to save some people this time around too. Also deep cave-dwellers, maybe other

Even little things, like, Cat's final speech to Kara only made sense if she knew she was Supergirl, and even included Supergirl imagery ("soar"). Which, awesome, message received. But nope, after Kara leaves the show needs to fill us in. And not even, like, "go get 'em, girl", but "go get 'em, SUPERGIRL [BECAUSE I

"Tell, don't show" is pretty much Supergirl's modus, unfortunately. They want to make extra sure we understand what they're getting at. Which means Superman basically talks about nothing except how much better than him Supergirl is.

I don't understand folks who are like "but Pence will be just as bad". Because, no, Pence would be a disastrous president, but America has had disastrous presidents before. It's never had anything like Trump.

It's frustrating, the bar is so low for him at this stage that any time he makes it off a stage without saying something humiliatingly stupid or deeply malicious and evil (or more often both!) folks come out of the woodwork to talk about how great he's doing. It's like, no, he's not, not even close. Making it through

Yeah, I thought it was just kind of a weird mess. A lot of the recent brains have been that way - these sorta superficial glosses of the people they used to belong to, or even worse of the professions of the people they used to belong to, without really tying into the episodic or overarching narratives in any

Right? This whole premise confused me because, like, anyone who might conceivably still be willing to pay to see a Pirates of the Caribbean film isn't going to be dissuaded by anything a hacker could do. There's no reaching those people. They're incorrigible.

I thought it was acceptably well-explained as a government protocol designed to prevent inter-departmental screwups in the unusual event that all proceedings against a person needed to be stopped. Does you no good to stop all criminal and immigration matters against your cooperative international crime syndicate

It occurred to me today that there are probably other human populations on earth, that it would make sense that most or all of them would be based around nuclear shelters (where their ancestors survived the end of the world), and it hardly seems improbable that some are more technologically advanced than the grounders

I don't think it's that weird. These kids have been through a lot. People, even tough people, fall apart in the face of trauma. I thought it was a little weak trying to hang it all on her inability to save that kid in the first black rain, but in the context of everything she's been through since season 1 I didn't

Yeah, seems a little weird for calling Jasper out for "end of the world cult bullshit" when, like, it's the literal end of the world.

Yeah, also Clarke felt that taking the bunker was justified because there was a real chance that no other clan would be able to keep it operational and sealed for 5 years. This isn't airtight logic (the grounders don't have a ton of technical knowhow but they're perfectly capable of figuring things out, and moreover

I think that will have to be a part of the endgame - possibly a pretty substantial contingent of the main cast will get nightblooded. I'm also still predicting a 5-year time jump between seasons.

Agent Buff Nicely