Just Another Day

So it turns out Aunt Josephine was right about real estate agents. Go figure.

Wishbone: SVU


Again, you're mistaken: Clinton had a private email server, not a government email server at home. Just like you could buy bilgestinkwater.com today and set up an email address with it. The problem wasn't the server but the classification of what was sent through it. There are other reasons why various government

More literate than the actual president-elect, and probably less scammy too. I vote we give it a go.

Again, you're misunderstanding the nature of the supposed offence and the role of the actors involved. You might be surprised to hear that "having a private email server in your home" is not a crime, for anyone. Email servers are not in fact a controlled technology. What the FBI was investigating was the improper

Yeah, except she didn't actually do anything wrong. Conduct that the FBI doesn't approve of but that is not an offence (which by the way is normal: police and diplomats have very different operating philosophies when it comes to information management) is not illegal.

Balancing the budget one greasy $20 at a time.

The Office of Congressional Ethics is biased against the GOP just because the GOP congress happens to be flagrantly unethical. So unfair!

If you're a straight white women you'll never be forgiven for things you never actually did.

I mean 5 years doesn't necessarily mean anything, obviously (I've been on Twitter way more than 5 years but there's no reason anyone would care if I stopped using it), but Lindy West is an actual treasure, brilliant and hilarious, and that there will be less of her work on the internet is a genuine loss.

On Sense8, being The Best.

Yeah, I feel like the qualities that made Orange is the New Black and Daredevil a little different (and better) than their hypothetical conventional TV versions are distilled and refined in Sense8 into something genuinely unusual and precious.

My partner and I started rewatching season 1 in preparation and I'd forgotten how much I love it. Because it's slow, opaque and weird it took me a bit to warm up to it the first time, but on second viewing it's excellent from the first moment.

At this point if there's a shadowy cabal who rule the world I'd like them to stop drinking on the job because shit's getting fucked.

I would respect any artist who extracted a seven-figure fee only to come onto stage at the inauguration wearing an I'm With Her t-shirt or something.

That's your answer to everything though.

You could be right but I'm skeptical. The Iraq War was such an unlikely beast, only really possible through a highly unusual combination of fraud and incompetence, even in rage-drunk post-9/11 America. I certainly don't think it's inconceivable that with Gore at the helm through 00-04 there might've been some military

For popular science/journalism it did remarkably well. The scientific criticisms of it are pretty nuanced and there were no glaring errors. About as solid as something packaged for the public ever gets, I'd suggest.

I mean it's got one less Donald Trump which surely counts for something. First sequels are often a bit experimental, though, I bet the third union will take the series back to its roots.