Just Another Day

I think it's fair to say that Gore wouldn't have attacked Iraq for no reason. Almost everything else is complete speculation but that's one huge, concrete way that the world would be a better place.

It's been out for decades! United States 2: European Union.

An Inconvenient Truth: The Sixth Sense

Sure, but I'm saying they don't have to - they have all the moving parts of an effective Iris, a good actor in the role, good chemistry with the rest of the cast (as I say elsewhere I don't care about her lack of sexual chemistry with Barry and don't think it's the slightest problem for depicting an on-screen romance

I've always thought that their relative lack of chemistry was something the show should just write in to the relationship. Iris and Barry are together because they really like each other and like spending time together, not because they make things around them burst into flame. And that's okay, it's honestly a good

I feel like the small amount of progress the writers have made with Iris backslid here. Just a series of relationship tropes and schmaltz that doesn't suit how they've portrayed her and Barry at all, then the boring boring death/lying to her about the death rigmarole the reviewer mentioned. Not promising.

It's a gutwrenching window into a series of almost unbelievably bad decisions by a community, isn't it? It caused quite a stir when it resurfaced a couple years ago (on the heels of one of Bradley's daughter coming forward to confirm that all the dark rumours that had been in the mix about her mother for years were

Orphan Black. Dollhouse.

Seconded @avclub-60de3e1320094e0eae205daec43f283f:disqus - it's one of my favourite shows not because it's perfect but because it's unique and wonderful despite (and in some cases because of) its flaws. Like I want it to be faster-paced sometimes, but I'm not sure it would still be itself if it didn't take time to

Through pressure? This really isn't complicated. She didn't want to do it, she felt she had no choice - and this was Bertolucci's intention, because how else can you read his desire for her rage and humiliation to be genuine?

Completely agreed - please don't take my post as any sort of suggestion that it's acceptable to equate homosexuality with the sexual exploitation of children (I'm not straight either). But yeah, it's easy to forget that a lot of work has been done around theories of harm, care, power and consent, as well as more

I can imagine a number of reasons for that response, most of them eminently sensible.

The one saving grace of Trump being that even though he'd like to have stomptroopers bust down the Washington Post's doors the precise minute he takes office, he just doesn't have the organizational mojo to make it happen.

There's a 1963 open letter written by a friend of science fiction author Marion Zimmer Bradley about her serial rapist husband Walter Breen (at that time it wasn't known that Bradley herself was also complicit in the abuse of many children) that I've always found fascinating and horrifying. It's interesting for a lot

Right? Even by the situation as he describes it, when someone agrees to do A and B and then you force them to do C… there's a word for that and it's not "consensual".

I'd like to think we've evolved as a culture past the point of obsessing over whether the tip of anyone's penis literally penetrated somebody else's body as if it makes a categorical difference in the wrongness of the act. If we need to, for instance to determine a fit prison sentence, we can talk about the

Not really! You can just not be in a pro-rape fraternity!

Also if you hang out in places that can't be described as "anti-rape"… I dunno, maybe stop going there?

Good, I came here to make a similar joke but I'm glad to see you were already on it.

It had some real tension for me too, tbh, what with Thea's changed role in the show and the sense that they could be phasing her out. I was pretty relieved when she came out and joined the others.