Just Another Day

Surely Lucifer's existence would have been disclosed to the defence regardless - he was an integral part of the investigation and present for all sorts of important moments. I don't know California procedure at all but I can't imagine there would be serious obstacles to changing around which particular members of the

As much as I hate that death, I agree. Still one of my favourite shows.

I had kind of a sad moment because Maggie mentioned how you have to live every day like it's your last and I thought "that's probably a good philosophy given that you're a lesbian on a TV show". Supergirl hasn't disappointed me with her and Alex yet though.

It's very Myles McNutt of me to mention, I know, but Fran Kranz introduced in an ostensibly minor background role was a little too stark of a dissonance for me to ignore. Took the wind out of a lot of the rest of the investigation because I knew it would need to cycle around back to him eventually.

I don't think there's one that holds water (though I'm not in any way an expert) but I have boundless faith in the creativity and lack of principle of the American right. If the matter ends up with the SCOTUS and there's even the shadow of a vaguely plausible argument in favour of the GOP's preferred outcome when the

Bush v Gore was decided on super shaky constitutional foundations. Political considerations become almost overwhelming. That said I'd like to imagine that Kennedy at least recognizes what a trashfire Trump is.

Better get Garland in on that recess appointment!

I'm still a little confused that he seems to think presidents get weekends?

My take has always been that they've found a niche and are good at it - whether they would be particularly memorable without making cool music videos is beside the point. They're arguably the best in the world at the specific thing they do and that's worth recognizing. Plus at the end of the day they make a thing that

I think the Harding example is illustrative because he's probably the closest but arguably not even that close.

I hear what you're saying, but I think in a direct and obvious way the number of people who will be killed in the United States over the next four years would be less under Mike Pence. Personal support from the White House for nazis would (probably) be less. Threats to press freedom would be less. While it would still

A morally repugnant property owner who's a renowned dealmaker, lives in a disgustingly over-ornate home, and puts his name in gold letters on his building? Arguably sexually inappropriate with his daughter-in-law? Whose son "Eric" bears a startling resemblance to the real Eric? I mean sure I could be reading too much

The newly out thing is maybe a little distinct but at the end of the day folks aren't that different whatever their sexuality.

Yeah, I don't agree at all with the reviewer that the monologue was clunky. Maybe this is just me overidentifying with its many familiar elements, but Alex and Maggie feel very real to me: their thing is messy and wrapped up in their respective senses of themselves, and neither of them is really in the right or the

I appreciate that the show decided to do an episode where a Trump knock-off gets murdered.

Yeah, I dunno, I very much appreciated the turnaround on the parents. I actually shouted at the screen "Taliban doesn't mean terrorist you racist bastard!" when someone referred to Durrani Sr. as such about halfway through the episode, and I was pretty tickled that the show addressed that directly.

PLOT TWIST: Clyde ate it all

Crap, now I feel bad.

Sorry, no, you're great! I'm being bitter and sarcastic.

Two Clyde episodes in a row. We're definitely building towards something.