Riff Randell

Dear Jon,
"I'm certainly not the best-looking person on the planet,"

me and Tina Fey would be the bestest friends ever. I JUST KNOW IT.

Hey, I'm being hated on! Gah dammit. I resemble that remark. Screw you, I'm keeping this avatar. Because I want this hair in real life.

Ferris Bueller's got to be my favorite of his. There was one summer when I was really little when I'd watch it once a week with my kid brother. We were too young for most of the jokes, but we still laughed at every gag (he's in the shower! And he made himself a mohawk out of shampoo! HILARIOUS.). We don't have much in

high five, TomWaits! We're 30 Rock reference buddies tonight.

I'm just going to marry rich and then start a business designing handbags.

hey, Kouwrovi, have a little heart. None of your fucking business how he feels about this.

"You're a beautiful man."

you guys keep saying stuff like this and all it does is just make me think she's more badass.

yeah, I'm not expecting anything earth-shattering out of Inglourious Basterds, but it looks entertaining as all hell.

Well, hatin, ET scared the shit out of me when I was a little kid. And now, years and years later, Ms. Yi is doing the exact same thing. Seriously, that picture is really freaking terrifying.

mmmmmm, them's some goooooood hatin'. the Sonic the Hedgehog line gets my vote for best zinger, but it was a close race.

All this has happened before and all this will happen again, motherfrakker!


"as airy and smooth as an untouched pudding cup"
oddly the most appropriate description I've heard of Pernice's music. I'm a little bit in love with that turn of phrase, in spite of myself.

Or Weezer's Photograph. (No, I have not yet shunned the Green Album. Don't hate.)

"supposed to be," yeah. No wonder the press in this country is going down da tubes.

That sentence doesn't really make sense, does it? Sorry, folks.

Yeah, I ranged from dreading to unimpressed by the stills that were released a while back, but the trailer really does look charming.

This review made it sound way better than the trailer made it look. I might actually give this a shot.