Riff Randell

Yeah, she's still a product of her circumstances, and I really doubt she'll ever break out of that. And it seems like she's in a "meet the new boss, same as the old boss" sort of situation. Henry won't cheat or lie or generally be an asshole, I presume, but she's still trying to find happiness in the wife-and-mother

If Sally goes she's taking the rest of the world with her. Less "jump off a building," more "take an AK-47 to Mommy and New Daddy."

Yeah, it's going to be harder and harder to be a Betty apologist this season, I'm thinking. Which isn't to say I won't try, but goddamn she seemed evil this episode. she wasn't even trying to make peace. And her new in-laws seem to hate her; she won't react to that very well.

nah, Come Back Salmon, Looney Tunes was my first thought too.

How are your balls?


Damn, Reck. I don't know whether to be terrified or horny.

There's a big AV Club commenter presence on Twitter, so it pretty much went AVC -> Twitter -> email -> real life -> fuckin' -> matrimony.


If that wasn't in the vows, Lone Audience, I will be sorely disappointed.

Karatloz: Ramblin' Man

These are two fantastic people
and I'm massively happy for them. Also, it should be noted, both are WAY ridiculously hotter than Internet people have a right to be. Adorable, you guys. They could be models if they weren't too busy killing hoboes.

How could you not like this movie? It's just so unabashedly … silly, really. It makes no excuses for its cheesiness, it just is. And there's Ramones concert footage and an explosion at the end. COME ON.

You rang?

Potential Hater, I want that on a t-shirt. And then I would put on that t-shirt and give you a hug and buy you cookies and maybe even put a ring on it depending on how things go, you know, no rush or anything.

But see, she's a dopey teenage girl who sings about boys and instant messaging while projecting the image of/being marketed as some awesome kickass independent girl power chick. I mean, come on, man! If you're going to wear ties and heavy eyeliner and ripped-up jeans then you better have read The Female Eunuch, is

You know, Potential Misogynist, I don't think I've heard a more succinct definition of inherent male privilege in a long time. Kudos.

Ugh, absolutely. Take Skater Boi, for instance (no I will NOT do it the compliment of putting the "8" in there, okay, I am no longer a 14-year-old wearing a studded leather wrist cuff from Claire's). The whole point is that he's some awesome rock star, and she loves sitting backstage and listening to him sing his punk