Riff Randell

saw this last night…
At the big AVC screening. It was immense fun, and he's probably the best part of it. FUCKITY-BYE!

Thanks, fellas. Now then - off to spend some nerd money.

a quick search for Morrison, Grant at my local library's Web site reveals that it carries absolutely nothing by him. Nothing.
WHATEVER I'LL JUST BUY IT. I don't need food or gas anyway.

Every time I read that name I crave Mexican food. I could really go for a nice chicken quesada with sour cream and guacamole, mmmm.

… which as we all know is the German for "whale's vagina."

David Donne's douchiness aside, he brings up a good point: Morrison did a great job of treating the X-Men like mutants, like a persecuted minority, instead of a more normal superhero team.
He also really found the potential in the growing pains as that minority expands and develops its own identity. I absolutely loved

Bendis's anguished screams will become the new background music for the Hatercast.

this is all just making me realize how much Morrison I haven't read yet. Damn, I wish I had money.

yeah, the only thing that really disappointed me (other than the Xorn cop-out, which we shall not speak of) was, like you said, that Marvel decided to pretty much completely forget all/most of the developments in New X-Men. It was, like, welp, Grant's finished, we can go back to the spandex now.

It's not a good idea to do anything after oral surgery. I tried to watch Lost in Translation after I got my wisdom teeth out and was pretty much bored to death.

New motherfucking X-Men, bitches!
That's what got me into comics back in high school. It was just so fantastically weird that it wore down all my resistance to the medium and started my extensive love affair with the bitch goddess comics. So thank you, Grant Morrison, you weirdo bastard, you.

Would it be too early for an anticipatory FUCK THE FUCK YEAH?

I'll be there. I don't look much like PJ Soles. That's all you're getting outta me.

Holy fuck
Walter Cronkite is dead.

This line:

But that's not even your real nose! It's polystyrene!

Someday Some Morning Sometime is lovely and gentle. That's a great choice.

Not "Compliments of the Red White and Blue?" I guess the boot in yer ass line is a tad too reminiscent of, you know, perversions. Can't have people thinking about stuff like that before the wedding night.

"(500) Days Of Summer is more thoughtful, and thus more maddening in its shortcomings."

Incredibly, Stella is all on Hulu. all of it. On Hulu. You're welcome.