Riff Randell

Political intrigue? Laffs? Copious profanity in British accents? I AM SO THERE

You got it, K-Loz.

Oh yeah, the pages got first dibs on all the good stuff. The entirety of my country music collection came from that library.

FingerSniffinGood - I'm guessing it's just schadenfreude. People will pay more money to see teenagers humiliating themselves (above and beyond the usual humiliation of wearing latex gloves and a visor and stinking of sweet cream, that is).

I once worked at a Cold Stone with a prodigiously repetitive in-house mix CD
If I never hear "Mony, Mony" again it will be too soon.

I guess I could have clarified to say that I used to work as a library page. That would have been helpful.

Most of them are beautiful but so obsessed with gloom
I introduced myself to lots of awesome music while I sorted and shelved in the children's section. I really got into old-school punk one summer. Really, the only clear memory I have of those months is shelving Berenstain Bears books while listening to the New York

And that, children, is why the refresh button is your friend.

I tried to watch John Tucker Must Die awhile ago because I'd heard it was in the realm of so-bad-it's-good. Turned out it's just plain bad.

TomWaits, are you … are you Chuck Klosterman?

We're so original that we're aware that there's nothing original left. This line of thought is what made us the hipster generation.

like meth-mouth!

Talkin bout my generation
ppl try 2 pt us dwn jst bc we gt around

I'd have to say my favorite is the one where Gussie Fink-Nottle has to deliver the prizes at the local grammar school.

I would definitely appreciate a Pratchett Gateways to Geekery. I've only read one or two Discworld books, and I keep meaning to revisit them, but it's so overwhelming that I don't know where to start.

Right, Sugartits! Like a white dinner jacket, or those wretched plus-fours.

One of my most treasured possessions …
(as far as one can be said to "possess" mp3 tracks on an iPod, what, do you think I have this on vinyl or some shit? Does this look like High Fidelity to you?)

You're right. They deserve heroines. Like, lady heroes, not like things you'd inject and listen to jazz.

Tina Fey didn't write or produce Baby Mama, if I remember correctly. That shit was just for the paycheck. Considering that Mean Girls and 30 Rock - the two productions over which she's had direct control - have been awesome, I think it's pretty clear that she, overall, is awesome. And hilarious. And a hero to glasses

I'll be there. I don't need you knuckleheads! I can see Nabin all on my own!