Riff Randell

They're not fixated. It's all in the name of ART.
For you see I, Manny Coon, had a cri de coeur one day. 'Manny,' I said, 'What is it that gets to the people?'

Look, I love my skinny whiny melodic atonal wimpy-ass indie "rock" as much as the next girl
But sometimes you just need something that actually rocks. Gets the blood pumping. Lights a fire under your ass. I have a feeling this album is going to be in heavy rotation chez Riff this summer.

I rewatched that last night. I always think Ledger's performance will thrill me less as I watch it more, but it never does (even though the rewatch value of the rest of it is less than super).

I think
the Bette Davis one troubles me the most. Damn, that woman was cool; it's sad that her end was less than graceful.

Wow, Ellie. I never expected that from you.

Bernie Mac?
His last two movies are Soul Men and Old Dogs (of Hater fame). Sad.

I know. I am, like, BREATHLESSLY excited about this show. See you there, Wily Mo.

Too bad
I was looking forward to A Positive Rage. A band like The Hold Steady seems perfect for a high-energy concert DVD.

It's cool, Skirks. Don't feed the trolls on my account.

Me either. I heart Patton Oswalt.

In the spirit of the post, the answer to that, QB, would be "aw HELL no." My roommates, siblings and everyone else around me with two X chromosomes seem to dig it, though, so I'm familiar with how awful it can be.

Behold, "sonic lubrication":

If I recall correctly there were some over on … what was it … the Year One review, maybe? Of course, they could have been deleted due to heresy. Or they could have just been part of one of my famous Randell fever dreams.

It's actually "You are still in the running

Ooh! Yes! The Thermals! Now We Can See is so damn catchy and happy it's like every time I hear it there are butterflies in the damn air. all around. Happily.

Ooh! Yes! The Thermals! Now We Can See is so damn catchy and happy it's like every time I hear it there are butterflies in the damn air. all around. Happily.

I can't seem to make up my mind about Hazards of Love. I adored it at first, but it seems more and more uneven with each listen. However, The Rake's Song and The Wanting Comes In Waves will always rock.

Look, I love Bill Murray as much as the next girl but I really do think Ramis is the funniest thing about Ghostbusters, and that's saying a lot.

I am so behind
Lists like this make me feel like a very negligent hipster douchebag. I'll just take this opportunity to say HELL YEAH HEARTLESS BASTARDS. Erika Wennerstrom's voice sounds like me trying to sound like David Bowie, but actually good.

I, too, concur.