Riff Randell

I love the way he eats pizza. It's like poetry.

Dee Dee's autobiographies ARE completely awesome. I suppose, as a fan of those, that I should pick up Vera's book as well.

And, like the guitar solo on I Wanna Be Sedated, the glory is in the repetition.

You married him?
Well, he's somehow playing electric bass in my shower right now. So there.

Well, now we're all just going to start harping on your improper use of the apostrophe.

MEMOIRS OF AN IMPERFECT ANGEL. I'm pretty sure she stole that from an Anita Blake TPB.

Sorry, Phoenix
I see the word "Lisztomania" and I can only think of Roger Daltrey's head of exquisitely curled hair. Though to be fair, that's what I'm thinking about most of the time anyway.

Can you really say that, with "Tiny Masters of Today" just a few links down?

Listen, foreigner, it's idealistic enablers like you who allowed America to undiscern itself into two wars, massive debt, financial collapse, poisonous atmosphere and Dancing With The Stars. Bands like this = just another warning sign.

What the hell?
Did the AV Club morph into Fleshbot while my back was turned?

Burl, you are a national treasure.

Nah, he just looks really nervous.

Your anxious backpedaling pleases me, and your heart seems genuine. I shall call off my henchmen … for now.

Is that a compliment? I honestly can't tell.

I love living in a world
where "skronk" is a real word.

This was the band
that all the kids I was scared of in high school listened to. They painted their nails back and sat in Stoner Hall playing guitar and smelling of weed.

Wow. Those look delicious. I'm going to count that as my cultural enrichment for the day, and go back to not having to cut my frozen pizzas.

mbs, that sounds like the premise to a Jonathan Richman song.

Okay, I stand corrected, all. Keep on keepin' on, mbs. We'll be your cheerleaders.

Loved the montage as well. The comic sans added just the right touch of cheesy.