Riff Randell

"Honey Soy Chicken?" That makes no sense. Is it flavored like chicken made of soy, like fakey vegan "chiken?" Is there soy flavoring? Is it short for soy sauce flavoring? Because I would totally eat honey-soy sauce-chicken-flavored potato chips. Those sound delicious.

And the warmongering.

I could eat the Tuscan Three Cheese all darn day, every day. It's like a gift from the potato gods.

Don't give in, mbs! You start giving in to haters now and it's a slippery slope from there. Move on. Stay strong. Remember that we love you.

Yeah, I'm gonna give this the benefit of the doubt. AND NOT BECAUSE I AM SOME KIND OF BSG NERDSHEEP WHO WILL WATCH ANYTHING THEY TELL ME TO, NO SIR, uh-uh.

Watching him grow another mustache, in real time.

Pubes, that just made me giggle for five minutes straight. I would totally watch that.

I keep mixing him up with Eugene Levy, 'cause I'm lame.

So, wait
No Dr. Horrible 2?

He's right, though. I'd put its OPM second only to the Incredibles.

Fair enough, guy. Your metaphor could be a little stronger. I'm only a few years out of high school, so I remember the marching band kids weren't so much clique-y as self-conscious and thrown together by circumstance. If you're going to talk exclusive, insular, proudly geeky and reactionary, then, well, I guess you'd

In a fit of masochistic ecstasy, Charitible Man, I'm gonna ask you why I made that list. You up to the challenge of profiling me?

Don't forget AltaVista!

Don't forget their cover of Do You Wanna Dance. And I Want You Around!

How long have you been waiting to bust that one out, toaster? (or, alternately, "pop that one up")

She'd always find a ride back home from the bar.

Stay Positive was all I listened to last summer, so I have on good authority that it makes an amazing summer album. We could all use an annual reminder that we could all be something bigger …

Sheena is a Punk Rocker, bitch.

TomWaits, yet again you make my sordid love life seem almost poetic. (pssst, thanks for leaving out all the BDSM and abortions!!)

Yeah, I grew up in Idaho Falls. I have a very complicated Bruce Springsteen-y relationship with it, to wit: on the one hand, it is shitty. On the other hand, it's my hometown, you know? The place where I drove through the cornfields listening to Feelgood Inc, the place where I sat in the grass listening to the Flaming