Riff Randell

Google is a benevolent monstrosity. I have entrusted my email, my schedule and my Star Trek google docs to it. Not to say my virginity.

I can take care of that for you, friend. What's that credit card number of yours again?

Try "At Budokan," Tuxedo. There's an energy in that record that always puts a smile on my face.

That's legit, Wilma, but I don't see it as a generic summer song so much as a song about the summers when you were a kid. You know, no responsibilities, just a long blurry string of popsicles and fireflies. That summer feeling will haunt you when you're an adult with a job etc.

I have been listening to "Surrender" on repeat all week
Thanks for that, Conan.

Oh, Pinkerton. Is there anything it CAN'T do?

See up there when I said I was funnin'? I made it all up, for laffs. The worst that came from my overly distracted sing-mowing was a badly cut lawn.

I'm just glad I beat you to it, OtP. But you're right on Government Center as well. It was my theme song last summer, when I actually worked at a government center. what I wouldn't have given for some rock and rollers to take over the building.

I grew up there, but have since gotten the hell away. You familiar with the area?

It has some lovely quieter moments and I especially like the title track. But the emotional connections (come to think of it, I had an awful breakup to "Either Way" in addition to my bad Hate It Here summer) will probably keep me from wholly enjoying it. That and the fact that yeah, objectively, it pales in comparison

Hey Sister Mary Francis, Janis Joplin's version is fantastic. If it weren't for Ella's, it would be my favorite. But no one can beat Ella. No one.

LIVE AT LEEDS. Might be my very favorite album of all time, people. Summertime Blues isn't a cop-out, it's like a religious experience or something. And hot damn does Entwistle rock that bass in that song. Mmmhm.

See, Songs for the Deaf is my go-to "holy crap it's 3 am and people are yelling at me and i need to finish this project or I will get fired/fail" music. Good for getting pumped up but not exactly relaxing to me.

Yes, Kyle. I plan to go up to them at Pitchfork next month waving my mutilated foot and screaming THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE WROUGHT, WAYNE COYNE.

Oh man I listened to Sky Blue Sky that same summer, too. To this day I can't really get through "Hate It Here."

He's been in my neck of the woods twice in the last year and I always plan to go and some fluke always ends up happening so I can't. I'm not just going to accept that as fate, though. Next time, JoJo … next time.

The White Album
was the soundtrack to a seriously depressing summer a couple of years ago. To this day I can't listen to Bungalow Bill without feeling lethargic and humid.

Summer of 06
was a Flaming Lips summer for me. I remember cutting our lawn while listening to The Soft Bulletin/Yoshimi at top volume and singing along ridiculously loud. Good times, until of course I got distracted and accidentally cut up a bird's nest/Dad's wallet/my foot.

Oh, and
Kashmir. Perfect for driving along a desert highway in the middle of August and rolling down the window and sticking your hand out to play with the air.

Me too, actually. But I seem to associate "Clint Eastwood," my favorite from that album, with fall. Interesting.