Riff Randell

Man, I thought I was a big Eastwood fan
but according to this I'm still on Eastwood 101. gotta love the primers.

Rant ahead:
"That Summer Feeling" by Jonathan Richman.

Well, it starts with a gal, and ends with a kiss, so depending on which way you swing …

Like the Reverend above, I also have a tiny crush on Zach Galifinakis. I can't explain it or justify it. It's just there.

I would use the word "funemployed" here if I weren't deathly scared that it will turn into the next meme, like "cougar" did. ARGH WAIT, even by denying it, I used it, thus further legitimizing it …

I am a sucker for road movies.
I am also a sucker for John Krasinski in that beard and those glasses. Come to mama, teddy bear!

Seriously, Jerusalem? Urgh. Have fun with that, Birthday Rev.

Quick Change is coming up?
mbs is gonna PLOTZ.

RICH ad wizards, Adam. Capitalism rewards hot pink and dildo talk.

you KNOW he has a hormone disorder!!

I know, Wry Cooter. You've always got my back.

Fine, I cave. I'm on Twitter now, bitches!!

Damn, this recap was inVOLved.
I've seen the first couple of episodes and my only real reaction was YAY COWBOYS!!! Now I guess these will give me more incentive to, you know, get into it. Tease out some meaning, do some close viewing, all that English major crap.

Courtesy of my psycho 8th-grade drama teacher (in thick Italian accent):

I'll second the Slings and Arrows plug. Plus it stars Mark McKinney, everyone's (my) favorite Kid in the Hall!

I'm having a hard time getting worked up about this one. Lame-ass adaptations come and go, but no matter how bad they are, they never really have staying power. Unlike Shakespeare, who is the king of staying power.

It's easy to be an asshole to decent, earnest movie geeks like poor mbs. He takes it like a pro, though. Bless you, mbs.

Wildcats have Chuck Heston and Stephen Colbert, and that is why we are awesome.

(plea to stay on topic, for once, you heathens)

Oh man, Behind Blue Eyes! Singing along and punching the air to the middle part - you know, "If my fist clenches, crack it OPEN" - is the closest I will ever get to actually being badass.