Riff Randell

If you change your mind
I'm the first in line
Honey, I'm still free
Take a chance on me

I think that was the best Beiiona post of all the Beiiona posts.

Can we have a thread about how awesome Quadrophenia is?
Because it is.

Who banned you? some kind of omnipotent God of Awful Movies? That guy's a prick.

The Andy character completely bugged me for kind of a long time. Though I could see why it was a perfect foil for Dwight - calculated devotion vs. the earnest, blind kind - it never really clicked with me.
But darn if Ed Helms hasn't endeared him to me. He's made him a full character, much more multi-dimensional

You missed an important detail
Abby Bartlet has been treating her secretly for years. That thickens the plot considerably.

Huckleberries, bitches.


Jorge, I'm going to choose to read that as a Monty Python reference and giggle to myself all day as a result.

Yeah, I don't have any kind of system at all. My Rock Band experience is limited to mooching off friends, and since I recently moved I no longer have Rock Band-owning friends. Who wants to let me be their Rock Band-mooching buddy? Or contribute to Buy Riff a Console Fund?

I think I'm most excited for "I Saw Her Standing There." Hot damn does that song ever rock.

I like their music and I eat hipsters for breakfast. Yeeha.

Black licorice is amazing. But black licorice-flavored jelly beans are better. It's like black licorice soaked in sugar water. Eventually your teeth start hurting but darnit it's WORTH IT.


I never got the point of Crispy M&Ms. The centers were all weird and crunchy, and they didn't have any taste, and once you got it all chewed up there was this weirrrrd flaky texture.

Hey, I thought his Lex Luthor was pretty good, but I'm really only a purist when it comes to Marvel. (But even I thought Kate Whatsername as Lois Lane sucked hard.)

mbs, I bet you are the Kevin Bacon Game champion of the whole planet. It's a God-given talent: awe-inspiring and a little scary.

And? What did you think?

Myself, I'm a popcorn and Junior Mints girl. It used to be Sour Patch Kids until an unfortunate stomach incident at a Christmas Eve viewing of The Two Towers …

Reese's Pieces are amazing. You can't really go wrong with the whole Reese's line of products, actually.