Riff Randell

Album cover caption contest, anyone?
She just looks so darn bored. Like she's channeling the college intern from "Parks and Recreation."

Peanut butter and chocolate is the most perfect combination on the planet
It's one of the great team-ups. Like Turner & Hooch, Lennon & McCartney, Spider-Man and Hulk. WHY would you introduce strawberry? It's not like you'd have Lennon/McCartney/Keith Richards. But it's a fakey strawberry, too, so it would be like

Me too, Mad. And now whenever I sing it in sacrament meeting I'll think about the New York Dolls. This is not a bad thing.



I'll take this opportunity to say that I could not possibly love the name "bobbie wickham is up to no good" any more than I do right now. That and the avatar together - it's making me giggle.

Don't tell them that, onewayeyes! This is the only place I ever get pathetically hit on! Why do you think I keep coming back?

According to an expert
(and by "expert" I mean the ex-boyfriend who introduced me to this show) they originally meant to never actually show the President, instead just have some kind of running gag where you always saw his back while he walked out of a room or his hand signing a paper or something like that. Which

Can't say I do. But Beelzebufo up there has enlightened me to the fact that Leisure Time apparently extended its reach all across Idaho, not just the greater Idaho Falls metropolitan area where I grew up, so I might have to eat my words.

I will too. What can I say? I gotta know which Dr. Seuss characters sound most like sex toys. All I'm saying is, if the Lorax isn't on there I'll ask for my money back.

We're all actually going to sneak into the warehouses where these books are stored on the night of Oct. 12 and scribble in the margins. in PEN.

Holy crap, Gordon. I'm going to have nightmares now. No thanks to you.

Does anyone remember
Bananas in Pajamas?

I had a little Wishbone doll from the Three Musketeers episode. He had a little velvet suit jacket on and a hat with a giant plume. BADASS. I'm sure it's still at my parents' place somewhere, along with my comic books, my high school diploma and all the other remnants of my innocence.

Honestly scared the crap out of me when I first saw it. In my defense, I was pretty young - only 10 or 11 - but something about that creepy sun baby and the googly-eyed vacuum cleaner freaked me OUT.

Wishbone ROCKED
and I will not hear a word against it. The best one was the Pride and Prejudice one where he played Mr. Darcy. Seeing him decked out in a lacy jacket and doing the little mannerly dance while the voiceover does that Jane Austen-smackdown dialogue … well, it cracks my shit UP.

Me too.

Buzz Aldrin was my first kiss. No lie. It's a long story.

Guns don't kill people. I do.

Yeah, no Aqua Net in prison. Uh, so I've heard.