Riff Randell

Yeah, and it's a damn comfy one, too.

We must be the hardcore
Is this not on the front page, or is it just me who sought it out under the Features tab? We are seriously faithful. I expect our loyalty will eventually be rewarded.

Ugh, really, dude? Really?

Sing, Michael, Sing!
I always thought Mick Jones (the Clash one, not the Foreigner one) was way underrated. Though Strummer casts a major shadow, and I appreciate and admire and raise a toast to him as well, I always had a soft spot for Mick.

I was seriously anti-Dave Davies
for a very long time, if only because I know how it feels to have a punk-ass more popular/charismatic/good-looking younger brother. But then I found out that he wrote "Strangers," possibly my favorite Kinks song of all time, and I had to revise my stance. I'm on good terms with him now.

Growing up in smalltown Idaho
Only the radio ad for the local hot tub/jacuzzi place has really stuck with me. "for your quality time, Leisure Time - for your quality time … (wait for it) … LEISURE TIME!"

For all of you in Chicago:
(beep beep beep beep)

I definitely got the emails, Z. And I'm all kinds of flattered that you named the best shirt after me. Finally: immortality!

Hot damn, ZMF! I will be ordering one asap. Possibly in lieu of paying rent.

And this is why the Roman Empire fell.

Speaking of awesome swag, ZMF, we're all still waiting on those t-shirts you promised

I'm about to draft an email "reminding" my dad about the money he said he'd give me so I can pay my rent. Can I come to the potluck? All I've got is half a bottle of Diet Coke and some pad thai I made yesterday from a box, but it's pretty good.

Please, someone give him an honorary Ph.D. I am simple-minded, and get amused by things like Dr. Docter.

This guy is awesome
I'm pretty excited to see Up. I hope that me and my early-20's buddies won't seem like pedophiles or anything when we see it in theaters.

Awww, good luck on your date, mbs. Remember: don't be a fool for a smile or a kiss, or your bullet might miss - keep your eye on your goal.

I have the hugest, hopelessest crush on Bill Hader. Mainly because of this:

His real name is Tracy.

I'm always up to watching Hot Rod. I'm keeping my clothes WAY on, though. And I'm going to sing along to "Two of Hearts." And I will require popcorn.

you KNOW I have a hormone disorder!

Comments like this bring the demons out in me.