Riff Randell

I'm not gonna lie to you. Right now, your face is a mountain, encircled in flames.

Sometimes I call my Latina roommate Taco. She has not yet called me Grilled Cheese in return, though. Probably because I have totally beaten her in a fight.

OtP, I know for a FACT that you DO NOT party.

Believe in your dreams.

…when you're going on a date, you put on a shirt … for your DAA-AAATE!

He gets the Riff Randell Stamp of Approval. Wholeheartedly.

I'm Riff Randell, and I … like to party.

See it. See it drunk at 3 am. Then wake up and watch it hungover, then wait a week and realize that it's still funny straight.

Agh, I know this will deteriorate my Salinger-fan cred, but I've never been able to get through Hapworth 16, 1924. I know, I know, it's purposely dense, etc., but I just can't bring myself to finish it. Maybe on one of these long winter nights I'll finally slog through.

It's not really in-depth reading so much as it is skimming the text to distract your brain from the workout, at least in my case.

Ellie owes me a Coke!

Ellie, you totally nailed it. And more than that, he wants to keep everyone else in a perpetual state of childhood. He looks at Phoebe and thinks she has it all figured out. He has more faith in her and her friends than they do. It's really sweet, and completely poignant for anyone who's ever been an older sibling. I

It's fun to read at the gym. Treadmills/stationary bikes/elliptical machines all come with handy magazine/book holders these days. It helps me pass the time before going to like pump some serious iron and stuff.

One is a Grizzly Bear WOOO and one is a Hold Steady WOOOO. Different to the practiced ear, but probably indistinguishable to a neophyte (let alone one who appears to be nothing but a sentient glove).

But if he never dies then we'll never get to read the dozens of unpublished stories that he's surely got filed away. He's got to be up to like the fourth generation of Glasses by now.

I'm holding out hope for a respectfully artsy collection of Glass Family vignettes. I also still believe in the Easter Bunny.

Seeing these folks at Pitchfork.
I'll start practicing my "wooo!" here, and apologize in advance for the thoroughly unironic enjoyment I will receive from seeing them and my overenthusiastic response thereafter.

You say "watching war docs on the History Channel" like it's a bad thing.

Nahhh. I disagree, Penguin. Call me a kneejerk Moore apologist, but I felt the film was too forcibly "modernized" and that V was made into WAY too much of a hero, whereas in the novel he's a decidedly ambiguous figure. And I am also a kneejerk Natalie Portman hater, so there's that.

Isn't there some kind of weird Persian adaptation of Franny and Zooey? Is that worth checking out?