Riff Randell

This is really sad.
He was an incredibly talented dude. Though I do love Jeff Tweedy and I'm partial to the post-Bennett Wilco albums, I can honestly say I have no horse in the Tweedy/Bennett feud.

Leave Amy alone!
(small, ashamed voice) I am still a huge, huge fan. Come on, people! Don't tell me you're not still rooting for her. Girl's got talent.

So, not belly button lint. Noted.

belly button lint?

Where can I get my hands on this "Man Bait," and what is it, exactly?

But it's super cheap to slaughter an elk, harvest its meat, slice it, season it, and dry it out. Practically FREE, actually, unless you count the poaching fees that come from hunting it in a national park. But seriously, if you get caught, you deserve it.

Well done, Mr. Caruso. Well done.

Who's allowed into this thing, anyway? I'm in Chicago. Would I have to be a reporter on the candy beat? a small-business owner? An oompa-loompa?

those mint chips
sound like they were made by some divine being, who scattered them abroad from the heavens for the edification of us paltry mortals. Yo, if I were PMSing I would totes eat like a whole bag in one sitting.

BURL! I am so happy to see you! I need a hug! C'mere, you!

No, he's clearly Liz Lemon.

Agreed. He's a funny dude. And he'll always have my heart, simply because of his role in Hot Rod and the time on Letterman (or was it Conan?) where he did a spot-on impression of Jabba's death scene.

Huh? What's that you say? Oh, sorry, I was just busy dancing around my living room singing along to "Head Over Heels."

Yeah, who does this Scott Tobias clown think he is, anyway?

Or at the Museum of Science and Industry, where they have AN ACTUAL REAL LIVE U-BOAT. Coolest thing ever.

making up crosswords on the vomit bag > The Da Vinci Code

What up, partdavid! Congrats!

AJR, if I were your worker, and you were my supervisor, and you tried that on me, I would go Donita Sparks on you so fast your head fly off. don't think I wouldn't!

Solidarity, Domino! I don't drink either. Nor do I wear miniskirts. I do rock some fantastic cleav, though, on special occasions. I CHOOSE MY CHOICE, yay feminism, blah.

(sorry in advance if this double posts, my computer is making strange noises and I do not trust it)