Riff Randell

You know, what someone should really do is register the name "puts on sunglasses." That way, it can go [clever post title] [puts on sunglasses] [kicker in the body of the post, plus YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAHHHH!!!! at the end].

Fritzy-poo = Linda Hirshman! Spread the word!

Shit, Domino, now I feel bad. Of course I didn't mean to imply that there's anything wrong with drinking or miniskirts. Or how women choose to present themselves as autonomous individuals within the bounds of their own control in the 21st-century idiom of third-wave non/feminist social constructs. There. Are we cool?

I don't disagree.

this is why my college experience consists of staying in watching 30 Rock. Acquaintance-rape free for more than 20 years, that's me!

They did this to Scrabble, too. Look at it, sitting there, all pink and mutilated.

menstrual. MENSTRUAL. one word. Yeesh.

There's really only one question worth asking to the denizens of the Great Beyond, and that is

I'm like silly buns - I was way into the princessy stuff as a kid. Now I'm a gender studies minor who wears nothing but jeans and t-shirts. Kid phases are kid phases. If you teach your daughter stuff like anti-consumerism, respect for herself and her body, and gender equity she'll turn out fine. Pretty heavy for a

I'm in this time. I'll even bring snacks.

What's the deal
with all the references to mens trual blood in Taste Tests lately? This is at least the second. Has one of you been reading Germaine Greer or something?

I went to a party awhile back that served up a tub full of Everclear, Andre, Keystone Light, cranberry juice and vodka. I drank water that night.

I'm going to choose to believe that the reference to "food scientists" was a Freaks and Geeks reference, and go about my day accordingly.

It warms my heart to know that at one point there existed something called "THE BATMAN TARZAN ADVENTURE HOUR."

Yes, Churchy - and before that, I got screwed up by religion, I got screwed by soccer players.



There's pinstripes, and then there's pindicks.

No and neither. I mostly just developed a fetish for dudes in pinstripes. Oh, Chicago Cubs, there is a lot of room in my pants for you.

Yes, it's heartbreaking. HE WAS SUCH A GENTLE SOUL AND THEN HE WAS MORMON AND THEN HE DIED AND THEY DID A CONCERT and I cried and cried and cried.