Riff Randell

See, Questioningly knows that the way to this girl's vagina is referencing an obscure Ramones song in your username. (The sha-la-la sappy romantic Joey ones, especially.)

No argument here, Scott Pilgrim. Incidentally, I'm a huge fan. What do you think of Michael Cera being cast to play you?

I loved it on first listen, Dodobird. And your avatar is brilliant. It might be my favorite on this site right now (Poop Dick notwithstanding).

I will totally defend parts of the Green Album. It's not even in the same league as Pinkerton, and it's not as perfectly-realized-pop as the Blue Album. But it's darn decent (and it's miles beyond their more recent output … ugh).

See, when I hear "bar band" I think more Just the Tip/Threeskin/Puppy Pendulum/MouseRatt or whatever. Am I hanging out in the wrong bars? Because the Hold Steady is pretty much poetry.

Don't you mean Decland McManus, international art thief?

I maintain that there's no better way to get into Arrested Development than late at night in a crowded dorm room. Bonding!

This one before Muffin Top and Werewolf Bar Mitzvah and Night Cheese? Come on! I'd pay for those! Proceeds could benefit … anti-lycanism? Lactose intolerance? Hm.

haha, it's Riff! I miss Burl a lot!

You wouldn't happen to be a burly trucker hipster, would you?

Seriously, "I Know There's an Answer" pretty much sums up my philosophy on the search for love in this world.

Nick Drake
I didn't "get" Pink Moon for awhile, until it was late at night and "Parasite" came onto Shuffle and it genuinely freaked me out. The darkness of the song just hit me all at once, and it was kind of thrilling.

Nice! I'm up on the north side, but I love any excuse to visit Hyde Park. I'll be the one in the ZMF BITCH t-shirt (if he ever gets around to making them …)

I still can't get into Dr. Strangelove like the rest of the world can. I don't know what it is, but it makes me feel really dumb to admit it.

It goes like this: -college in Chicago —-> job in Portland —-> new job in Chicago. That's right, I'm back, bitches! Just in time for the flowers to bloom. My roommates and I have plans to sunbathe by Lake Michigan this weekend. I love this city.

Both Ellie and Louis are right. Can we live in the now, though? Chicago is GORGEOUS right now. It's like living in a Disney cartoon. It's definitely worth it.

Dang, other Riff. You don't even crack a smile when Barbara Ann is played? That makes me question your humanity. Moreso, our common name should give us a common bond, and yet now I feel that it's been shaken. What else don't I know about you? Do I even want to know?

I took to The Hold Steady from the first notes of "Constructive Summer"
Allow me to phrase that like a real Hold Steady fan would:

It also took me ages to get into the Beach Boys
I was all, man, that's stupid hippy pop-y crap that my dad listened to when he was in grade school. Lame.

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