Riff Randell



She's been disappeared for years, tonight she finally came back.

Chris Pratt is excellent; I bet he was just improvving those and there's a ton of them on the DVD.

Mark Brendanowicz!
He was so obnoxious and sleazy tonight. Even when he banged the reporter it was a little bit studly, but tonight he just seemed pathetic and passive-aggressive. What an asshat.

Yep, this episode was hilarious. At this point, we know the characters well enough to laugh at them outside the Wacky Convoluted SmallTown Bureaucracy setting - I feel like we got a lot of payoff, and it was good.

Seriously? No one's called firstie on this yet? The world has changed.

Also, someone needs to register the name "Wry Cooter" posthaste.

Wry, yes, thanks, Miller. Charming. Generally clean. And capacious, though I'm going to need a down payment before I give you any specific dimensions. Sorry, that's just how we roll.

What the hell kind of vaginas are you looking at, Hebrew? That's horrifying. I am horrified now.

I'll take this opportunity to link to one of my favorite things:

son of a BITCH!

Lindsay Lohan as research scientist!

Aren't you supposed to be celibate, Reverend? Am I getting my religions mixed up? Or do you just need it for the storage space, because I can send along a copy of my rates. They're very reasonable.

Merk, the Human Papillomavirus is God's punishment for misusing your baby-bucket. Preventative measures such as these "smears" are against nature.

Louis, that was awesome.

Maybe they capitulated to the I GIVE YOUR GRADES AN F, AV CLUB guy.

"whirling CGI portrayals of Langdon's thoughts"
That sounds horrible and awesome. I'm imagining they do it CSI-style, zooming into his ear and then into his brain to show the synapses firing and little thoughts like "cheese … papal secrets … boobs … do I look like a tool in this all-black ensemble? nah …"

Latching onto a firstie:

Oh, those ambiguous pronouns! They're at it again!