Riff Randell


Word. You all are perfectly entitled to tell us you think she's pretty/classy/talented/whatever, but things can get seriously creepy around here if it goes much beyond that.

Nope. Baitin' is unmanly. Gotta save all that energy for dying in some desolate wilderness, heroically, such as.

By Haley's logic, I've totally dated Mark Ruffalo, Patton Oswalt and the guy who played Billy on Battlestar Galactica. AWESOME.

I gotta say it
That picture reminds me strongly of the Arrested Development scenes where Rita plays the banjo.

I'm another O Brother fan. He's a Dapper Dan man, dammit!

I dunno, OtP, your perspective sounds pretty male to me. (joking. kind of. You know I loves ya.)

Psh, I don't know from science, I'm just a lady!

Really, UTIs are more likely to happen when you don't pee directly after sexytime. And less washing down there means more pheromones down there, or whatever it is that attracts you all. Which isn't to say that soap and water should be shunned; it's just that resisting the Lysol douches et al. is actually really good

Too bad
Because the song is excellent. Emmylou Harris, anyone?

You all do realize that bitching about mbs for post after post is ten times as annoying as the actual mbs, right? Lay off. He's genuine and enjoyable and harmless.

What defines "90's humor" as opposed to that of any other decade? I'm honestly asking here, I promise, I'm not trying to be a jerk.

Me too. I'm only a few songs in, but I'm really digging it.

every "dum-dum" in this mickey-fickey neighborhood. Obscure 90's comedy sketch fail.

I take number two from everybody in this mickey-fickey neighborhood!

I can't be the only one here who would love to see a Max Fischer adaptation of Twilight.

I think we all feel the way you do. And so this thread will go the way of its apathetic predecessors: dick jokes.

Dee Dee Ramone's ex-wife? Connie? HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS.

"We have no choice, General Calrissian! Our cruisers can't repel firepower of that magnitude!"

He's gone, ladies! Let's wash the gray matter off our naked bodies, steal his steak knives and go mutilate some misogynist pigs. RETRIBUTION IS OURS!