Riff Randell

It's "whom," I'm pretty sure.

So help me, scanning these threads, I keep reading it as "Pubic Enemies." I think I need to get more sleep.

Here you go, ET. THE MORE YOU KNOW:

I like the way they think.

Ha, ha! I mean, tampons, am I right??

I have a massive girl crush on Sarah Haskins. She'd have quite a bit to say about a movie like The Ugly Truth as well. O, for the day when I can be funny about movies like that instead of just rageful!

But Sensei, how else am I supposed to be the Indie Movie It Girl???

It was "The Ugly Truth," right? Man, what a festering pile of pig crap that is going to be.

By "that" I meant "All the Real Girls," of course. And I have learned an important life lesson today, which is: the Refresh button is my friend.

She was awesome in that. She's talented! I just wish she would take better roles, instead of pale, flat Manic Pixie Dream Girls. She deserves better than the go-to quirk provider roles, for which all you apparently need is bangs.

I'll defend Julie and Julia
Come on, why so snarky? Nothing wrong with watching movies about lovingly created food. You people. You act like you've never sat on the couch and watched Iron Chef for nine hours straight. That shit is scintillating.

tibber, you and me, we'll start a Renaissance. Of Gangster Westerns - wait for it - IN SPACE. Let's do this.

Public Enemies
looks genuinely awesome. I'm a sucker for any movie with fedoras, really, so the rest is just gravy.

I have the same haircut as Zooey Deschanel. So where are all my offers to star in Indie Quirkfest Blockbusters That Pride Themselves on Uniqueness But Really Are As Formulaic as That Katherine Heigl crap? I LISTEN TO THE SHINS TOO, YOU KNOW. I COULD BE A STAR.

Reck, you're making me worry. I haven't seen mint Oreos on the shelves in awhile. They'd better not have gone anywhere, or I will cry for a week. They are, like, orgasmically good.


Also in this edition: "Just squeeze it … it will show us how manly you are."

For you and all other brain-endowed women:

That's what I'm here for.

I vacillate between hating my fellow women and hating the vile media/advertising/socioeconomic structure/outdated gender tropes/low culture that enable that type of stereotypical behavior. Then I give up and just decide to hate everyone.