Riff Randell

Is your real name Dick Whitman?

Maybe they could give lessons. As one of us so famously states, ORANGES ARE A FUCKING HASSLE.

Ahaaaa ha ha
Modell is a girl drink drunk!

Murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder murder
Are they TRYING to give me ideas?

Yeah, and aren't you guys going to review The Soloist?

I'm assuming that it was a play on "cattiness." Otherwise it would just be sadder.

Sorry Fritz, Chicago Decider already made that joke with "I am trying to sue your ass." PLEASE, people, let's keep up with the auxiliary sites, okay? They're trying to run an empire here.

Anything up to and including "The Who By Numbers," really, but maybe that's just me.

Mine too! It's pretty much the only song of that length that I can listen to without falling asleep/dying of boredom. It's, like, poetry, man. (No, really.)

Do things explode? Okay. Do things explode in SPACE? Awesome, I'm in.

I laughed at the baby in the locker. I'm not proud.

What? I absolutely didn't mean for it to sound BDSM-y. Eventually, it seems, the innuendo will just happen. That's the lesson here as far as I can tell. Anyone got a better theory?

That was grosser than the whole Hater post up there, combined. Well done.

See, Liz2? THAT's how it's done.

That's the one. the one and only.

And if I remember correctly, her character was kind of a dumb, directionless twit. Which, you know, might not take much in the way of acting skills.

justpassingby, you just earned yourself one brass-knuckled punch from yours truly. BECAUSE YOU GOT "TAKE A CHANCE ON ME" STUCK IN MY HEAD again, that's why.

I instantly got three simultaneous images flashed into my head: a pair of bronzed breasts mounted on the wall; a pair of dessicated, unpreserved, bloodily severed breasts; and two jars of formaldehyde, in each of which has been preserved one Johansson breast.

ZMF will be back soon. He will! I HAVE to believe! He's just … on a crystal meth binge, or serving a secret field mission for Special Ops. Maybe he's just putting his futon to good use, you know?

It's "elicit," you know. With the comma inside the quotation marks. If I could go back with a red pen and make the little squiggly "switch this" proofreader's mark, I would, but I can't.