Riff Randell

Snape, I think you mean you need to know if it should have been "more gay" or "less gay."

Please let's not bring Smallville into this. I prefer not to think about my junior high TV watching habits.

Fritzy-poo just got herself a priiiime career as an Indie Quirkfest character. Romance with Adam Brody/Paul Dano/Michael Cera/Zach Braff is in your future! Exciting!

I'm a newbie too. I'm watching bits and pieces of the original series on the CBS web site - it's pretty good, and I highly recommend the TV Club recaps. But I'd also welcome some more guidance on where to go next …

Reck, you're KILLING me, reminding me of that.

Pretty rich coming from the My Little Pony.

Seriously, Reck. I started watching the original series online and I was like halfway through "Amok Time" when I realized that pretty much every guy I've dated shows Spock-like characteristics. You know: stoic, crabby but with a heart of gold, a bit emotionally unavailable, crazy smart. I don't actually have a problem

I'm right there with you, Reck. And. Don't even get me started on Zachary Quinto. Mmmmhmmm.

Oh Derek. I was like you until one fateful day I got bored and read the TV Club writeups of the original series. Now I have a crush on Spock and I'm probably going to see the movie next weekend if I can bribe one of my friends to see it with me.

I'd imagine that's par for the course when you live in Hawaii.

Oh he'll hook her up all right. On his WALL.

Sounds like a not-hit movie to me, Gern.

I'm a fan of him and Margot on the bridge: "Will you please stop belittling me?"

Prowling for Tri-Delts, of course. But even they might not go for … you know, that type.

I'd say all the seasons but 5 and 6. Season 7 was pretty consistently great.

Iggy! Word.

I'm toying with the theory that every AD cast member gets a lifetime pass. That show is complete genius.


OH yes the Who. No matter how many false child porno charges or crappy albums or summer tours during which it's obvious they're shells of their former selves they do, I will always worship them.

Every single Kid in the Hall gets a lifetime pass. Last summer I rented some movie with Steve Martin, Goldie Hawn and Mark McKinney. It was AWFUL. But I sat through it. Because they all get passes.