Riff Randell

the Southeastern Idaho Spud Days owns you ALL.

Jorge … that warmed my frigid little heart. Brilliant.

Yes, I was speaking of Modern Love, which I find almost entirely insufferable. I tend to avoid Savage Love as well - not so much because it's smug, but because it's just another reminder that everyone on the planet is having more sex than me.

That made me laugh, Zonker. I'm laughing.

That would be "Wilco: the ANIMATED series."

Ahh. Fhtagn and I were thinking Salt Lake City. Now that we know you're not affiliated, I suppose it's okay to start making fun of Stevens-Henager, right? Hee hee. Stevens-Henager. At least it's not LDSBC, I suppose.

Awesome piece, I can relate.
My town did this too! Except he wasn't even from our little Idaho city, he was from a college town 30 miles north. I can't even remember his name now. Jon Paul … John Peter … Peter Jon … this was quite awhile ago. Anyway, I interviewed him for my high school newspaper, and all my friends

I assume from your name that you're a Ute, instead? Or Westminster, maybe?

I've always wanted to make a pilgrimage to the Mary Tyler Moore statue in Minneapolis. I even have a beret to toss in homage.

Does it make it better or worse that Average America seems to be aware of its intolerability?

Ugh please let's not encourage Modern Love. I mean, every so often something truly touching will break through on that column, but mostly it's HEY GUYS HERE IS MY UPPER CLASS LIFE!!! MY LIFE PARTNER AND I TOTES HAVE PROBLEMS OMG SMUG SMUG SMUGNESS AND OUTDATED GENDER TROPES FTW!

Jack White? Is that you?

I mean, I personally would welcome a Cera revolution. We would all become exponentially more adorable.

When Michael Cera rules the world
-We will all wear regulation hoodies, artistically frayed for maximum effect

That's because the heat from the jacket helps you make that sexy Husk Musk of yours.

Oh right, I forgot he's an ARTIST. Just, you know, taking pleasure in the perfection of the human body. Like … like Michelangelo.

How was she not completely and totally skeeved out by that? She could have gone sexual-harassment suit on all their imperfect asses.

This is weird
But big ironic cardboard cutouts are still cool, though, right? Right?

Seriously. Some of his comments actually gave me goosebumps, and not in the good way.

This was funnier when it was Patrick Stewart
"And then suddenly all her clothes just fall off! She tries to get them back on again, but by that time, it's too late, I've seen everything."