Riff Randell

That Byrne-Claremont run you're talking about got me hooked on comics, Murray. God bless Essential X-Men Vol. 2.

Love and Rockets
I've always wanted to start reading it, but I have no clue where to start. It's even more intimidating than starting to read superhero comics was - can someone point me in the right direction?

From what I hear, there's a pretty obvious point at which his nutjob political ideas start affecting the storyline, and it's all downhill from there. But I wouldn't know, since I've always been too turned off by the whole misogyny thing to give him any support.

As far as fake swearing is concerned, The State wins every time. I've taken number two from every dum-dum in this mickey-fickey neighborhood!

ACK! NO! I thought they got rid of your kind!

She is brilliant. Mostly because of her eye makeup in that movie.

::peeks around corner::

Mine wasn't anything juicy. Something about Christopher Walken? It was pretty late at night when I posted it.

That happened to me, too, karatloz. Weird.

It's sad. I'm almost rooting for her at this point (the actual person, not the troll). I hope she finds her prince, and not just because it means the ad will disappear from the site.

Yeah, he's huge with the Amish.

Riff Randell: "I'll keep making you mix CDs whether you like it or not, and you probably won't. And I'm a damn good kisser, but I'll limit it to kissing for so long you'll probably just dump me in frustration, so why even bother?"

His name is "Cornbread Compton?"
That is fantastic.

Yes, according to IMDB. Because I've never seen it.

I think I'm missing some crucial part of the girl brain or something, because I just can't stomach 99 percent of pet names. Talk to me like a real adult, dammit. That's how you know I really like you, is if I'll let you call me something other than my real name.

Snow Day has Iggy Pop and Pam Grier in it. But I think that just makes it more pathetic.

Awesome, Wirtz. If you can make that clear to the Jez posters without stating it explicitly (and even then you'd probably be okay) then you'll be fine. Better than fine. It's kind of like the Bizarro AV Club in that everyone freaks out when a known dude posts. Except for more "awww he's precious INTERNET HUGS FOR HIM"

Oh dude, Bill, had you not heard? We love the Deadspin boys lately. There's been a lot of overlap on the weekend open threads. And we're surprisingly friendly and only a little bit feminazi bonerkiller.

Hey Tom, how's it going? Say hi to your mother for me.

What Santanico said. Ditto for "babe" and "sugar."