Riff Randell

I totally am, Dollar Bill! Wow, I didn't know there was much AVC/Jezebel overlap. PM me on there or something.

tibber, it is both, and it is also what madbeatnk said.

Though I like your theory about the Glengarry Glen Ross character = Donaghy 1.0, I do believe that lifetime passes can be retroactive.

I'd just like to add: Snow Dogs.

It's "personal of the day." At least get that right, jeez.

On behalf of my gender
I would like to apologize for Bride Wars.

Lay off Alec Baldwin!
The man is Jack Donaghy. Lifetime pass.

I'd guess that someone realized it was too crappy to contend with the major Oscar bait and shoved it back a few months.

Do you mind if I take some of these fruit roll-ups?

I officially dub this the Ladies' Thread. Hello girls! Like my new purse?

Whenever I need to describe my mom to someone I say, "Have you ever seen Freaks and Geeks? … You know the mom? Yeah. Exactly like that." What a sweetheart. And probably smarter than anyone gave her credit for.


Don't forget his moments of glory with Vicky Applebee.

Oh jeez … the Viking head … I want one. To scare children with.

Hey, he's pretty good. Some of those chords are really hard.

"I hear she does it in the projection booth."

I think those were in the same episode, yes? Which is the same one where they go to the Who concert. SO SAD AND FUNNY AND WONDERFUL I LOVE THIS SERIES SO BAD.

Jason Segel has some talent, man
Somehow you fall in love with Nick Andopolis even though he's kind of creepy. Very vulnerable and sweet. Also creepy.


Warren, End of the Century really is genuinely affecting — the Johnny/Joey/Linda sequences especially. And the shot at the end, with Dee Dee … oh, excuse me, there's some dust in my eye …