Riff Randell

Oh man
Made-for-HBO classic classy Iron Jawed Angels, people. Starring Hilary Swank and Anjelica Huston. It had me sobbing and pumping my fist in the air and swearing "I SHALL ALWAYS VOTE, ALWAYS."

The avatar and screenname might have tipped you off, but certain Ramones documentaries and videos get me every time. Not to the point of tears, but definitely to the point of "why, world? Why must we fight? Can we not all be brothers? Also, where can I learn to play guitar?"

I am a tough, take-no-crap bitch, okay? I'm an adult. A grown-ass woman.
One who cries at It's a Wonderful Life, Brokeback Mountain and Sense and Sensibility. And West Side Story. And anything involving small, adorable children in trauma. And/or tragic, gritty cowboys.

We already know the answer to this: "Ow! My balls!"

My paper ran a hugely popular story about squirrels a couple of years back. So yeah, the episode rang very true. (I'm choosing to believe the "we'll see" is a quote.)

That or "Hushed Rapings."

Darling, when you spend all day trying to get sweaty middle-aged bureaucrats to talk to you, the floppy-haired fleece-wearing puppy-eyed sweet-talker starts looking pretty awesome. Trust.

It was like, neon pink
That shirt on Aziz Ansari … priceless.

Seeing them all put those hats on simultaneously cracked me up. Let's start an AVC chapter of the Pranksters. First stop: the fuschia feather store.

I was insanely excited for this episode. I've been a small-town government reporter for the last three years or so - and the depiction was pretty accurate, apart from the whole "sleeping with Paul Schneider" thing. When does that come in the career ladder, is what I'm wondering.

"fell flat?"

All I have to say to that is: shit sandwich.

The commentary is great. "Fucking … fucking limmie!"

And during the song, Nigel mouths "we love you" to the camera, I'm pretty sure. Funny!

If I'm ever in a band we will cover "Gimme Some Money" unironically. (It's probably a good thing that I will never ever be in a band.)

I eagerly anticipate
The American live-action remake, starring Adrien Brody and the old lady who played Mrs. Landingham in a fat suit.

The awesome thing about these songs
is that they are great songs in their own right. "Tonight I'm gonna rock you tonight" is my one of my top go-to psych-up songs, to be played before finals, lame non-dates and other big events of my rock and roll lifestyle.

Attitude towards women
What's wrong with being sexy?

Slayer or no, there's no way he doesn't have an opinion on this.

All this has happened before … all this will happen again
I'm really glad this got a good review. The initial reports made the plot seem rather ham-fisted, though I suppose it doesn't get more ham-fisted than OMG THERE ARE NO HUMANS LEFT LET'S BLOW UP ROBOTS, and these folks managed to turn that into an operatic,