Riff Randell

Yyyeaaaah, Frost/Nixon!
I may be a geek (I am definitely a geek) but anyway you measure it, Nixon was a fascinating dude. I'm excited.

::Pauses, opens collar, glances down shirt:: Yep, still a girl. Appletinis on me tonight, ladies!!


Hold up, I change my vote. Curly-haired glasses guy with brown shirt in the computer. for the WIN. He is adorable.

I had a fleeting thought that Clamato-flavored popcorn wouldn't be too terribly bad, but then I banished it into oblivion.

AP Style is "The Chang." Just so you know.

YES, Garret popcorn. Let's take an inherently healthy, light snack and smother it with salt and butter and delicious chemicals! I do so love Chicago.

Yay for Glasses Guy, but really they're all swoon-worthy. The blonde-ish guy in the orange fratty buttondown shirt, especially.

I thought the engagement ring was appropriate and funny.

heh heh … "coming."

Didn't that have Jeremy Irons in it? That's just sad.

Is it worth the $20 on Amazon? Keep in mind I'm poor.

Wait, when is it available on Hulu? I just checked, and I couldn't find it. Am I dumb?

I think the thing I'm most excited about
Will be the ability to watch Porcupine Racetrack over and over and over again, in decent quality. The only copies I can find online are of horrible quality.

You seem a little down. Have you tried … pants?

I just gasped and did a little squeal. Out loud. At work.

Yeah. I really hope he's okay.

"Bitch! Whore! … Line, please."
That time in Comedians of Comedy when she's in the pool having her fingers act out a play was the moment I knew I had a girl-crush on her.

Oh man. All of Stella is on there too, now. I'm just going to sit on the couch and never move, like the mom in Gilbert Grape.

"O Brother" is indeed pretty awesome.