Riff Randell

Uh, I would appreciate it if we didn't talk about my avatar's tits. It's embarrassing.

I'm pretty sure her real name is "Sexy Ms. Magoo."

And the callback: "if Mr. Jellineck and Mr. Noblet hadn't been in the park at 3 a.m. …"

Beauty and the Beast is clearly the superior two-dimensional Disney princess.

whatever, TURD.

Obligatory early-90's nostalgia post
Who loved the Babysitters Club series as a kid? Kristy was my favorite.

Holy crap, they ARE all on Hulu. This is amazing.


And Mrs. Featherbottom was pretty awful, as well.

Uh, peanut butter and panic has gotten me through many trials in life, thanks very much. That and the drugs.

Draw the curtains, Amelia Bedelia!! Yuk yuk yuk.

"Just a base tan, just a nice … base tan."

Friday buzzkills are better when you have very little buzz to kill
Because then you can just feel horrible about the whole world instead of just your life. Sean, thanks for the perfect capper to a shitty, shitty week. I feel better!

And that AV Talk theme song of yours is just BEGGING for some lyrics. Nathan Rabin, crooner. Make it happen.

Why? I think it's nice.

Screw Utah. For real. Except the red rocks down south; those are pretty cool.

Oh, Chasee. You're easily one of the nicest people on these boards. If you show your kid half as much charity as you show the assholes and trolls, it'll turn out fine.

Me too, Banned. He sounds like … Ira Glass, ish? Maybe?

And your mom would stick a fork right into Daddy's shoulder, and Dad would throw the garbage all across the floor …

Oh, and at the end, everything explodes. Which would explain the "exploding" reference at the beginning of the thread. I would actually prefer it if none ofyou were exploded; I'm pretty peaceful for a Ramones fan.