Riff Randell

Yep, that was Dee Dee. He was so strung out on horse tranquilizers or whatever that he couldn't handle all the dialogue, so they just said, "okay, talk about pizza, go!" and he ad-libbed it out to "Hey, pizza, all right, let's dig in!"

And "All the Real Girls," too. I'm sensing a theme here, Schneider.

That can be avoided only by spiking the punch with Red Bull and Mountain Dew. It just turns into a frenzy.

Fhtagn, you give me hope for a middle ground between spinsterhood and Provo. Thanks!

Eh, I know it was a joke. I just didn't find it funny. Forgive me, I haven't slept in three days and I'm starting to get a little on edge … that's another thing I would pass on if I were ever to have kids: my Red Bull addiction.

Damn straight, Trash.

Daddy needs a drink, so Mama, fix one quick.

TomWaits, if I ever spawn, the lil' Riffs will surely be the geekiest geeks that ever nerded. Coolness is genetic, I'm sure.

And a green overcoat. "No, no - the green one."

Daddy sang bass, Mama sang tenor.

She speaks German in real life. So many different kinds of sparrows!

And Snape's lucky lady gets to deal with nausea, bloating, heartburn, joint dysfunction, pre-eclampsia, sleeplessness and fatigue for nine straight months before going through hours of painful labor just so she can dump off the ratlet and start all over again when she gets home! Wheeeee!

Yeah, I've definitely imprinted on my kid sister. She's barely 12 and already knows her Beatles, Monty Python, 30 Rock, Beach Boys, etc. I taught her all the lyrics to Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds when she was like eight … it was adorable.

And he would have been a senator by now if it weren't for that one DUI in high school…

Oh yes. Female Bonding Time in my family (me, my mom, my sister, various aunts and cousins) always involves the BBC Pride and Prejudice. All of it.

Matilda was awesome, but The BFG was always my favorite.

I've found some great stuff as I've nosed around my grandparents' house. My dad's great big late-70's vinyl collection, a bunch of old MAD Magazines, a pair of absolutely enormous fake plastic breasts.

It's after six! What am I, a farmer?


Everyone loves the Ramones. People who don't should be exploded. Yeah, that's right, I'm looking at you, Miss Togar.