Riff Randell


Did my mother put you up to this?
If so, my answers are: I will marry a nice Mormon boy before I hit 25 and our dozens of curly-haired kids will all read Anne of Green Gables and eat whole grains. And they will all take piano lessons, just like you made me do.

This storyline with Leslie and her mother
It has some serious emotional potential. And by that, I mean that I have heard that line, verbatim (or close to it), from my mother, at least once.

My kids
They will know the Beatles, the Beach Boys, Calvin and Hobbes and Star Wars by the time they graduate from elementary school.

The Who
Sometimes I think it's the only thing my dad and I have in common. He's not good with, you know, emotion and stuff, and music is always a good shorthand for all that. He got me Quadrophenia for my 18th birthday. I got him Live at Leeds when I went away for college. It's very special music to me, and it helps

Life would be better if we all channeled Astronaut Jones.

Let me guess - at least two hours of that was public comment, am I right?

Aziz schmoozing the local contractors just about killed me
with laughter.

And Commentary Tracks of the Damned! I love those.

I trust you wholly, AV Club
I'm really glad to hear that this is actually good.

Prove it.

We're here for you, Tuxedo. Have a seat in a folding chair, help yourself to some punch and cookies and listen to us: the important thing for you to remember in a situation like this is that this is not your fault. Only you can make you a victim.

D, that might be my very most favorite AD quote ever. I don't know why.


How soon we forget the power of Will Oldham's facial thatch.

GDN, you always say that, and then you always do. Quit being a tease.

"She's just a cute chick from Winnipeg. Or someplace like Winnipeg."

I generally get either "homeless-looking" or "small-town lesbian with the stomach flu." That's really only from my catty fashion-y type-A roommates, though. Normal people realize that sneakers and t-shirts are recession FAB. And then there's the AV Club, where I'm like the only girl at the Farscape convention. Whee!

I've only ever seen Clone High and Daria on YouTube and The State from iTunes. And I have no idea what this Sifl and Olly is that you speak of.

My money was on a Dancing with the Stars appearance.