Riff Randell

Hold up, were we ever not AV Clubistas? I like that.

Mattress batting I can do without, but I'm afraid the Cheeto dust is non-negotiable.

Noooooo let's keep Recessionista
I want to hold on to it as long as I can - If the economy starts looking back up, my ratty jeans and thrift-store hoodies will go back to being called "homeless-looking."

Clone High is amazing. ADD Gandhi! Gothy Joan of Arc! JFK!

I actually wanted to name it "Girls With Low Self-Esteem," but I got outvoted.

I'll stand up for the axiom that any story well told is worth the telling. The question, then, is only about whether the story is well told.

I'm definitely on board. I'll even bring juice boxes.

Do it, mbs. They are all on hulu. All of them. I think it is pretty much the high point of the Internet.

"unhhh, just like the Greeks!"

Cuddly Toy, I've said it before and I'll say it again: that scene is the single most powerful argument that calling your SO "babe" is one of the top ten most obnoxious things of all time.

OH GOSH YES. Hilarious and crude and horrible. I heart Human Giant.

You're just jealous that I've got a super-thin wife with big cans.

Nope, just an Anglophile who likes good TV.

Heyyyy, I get it. Duo …. two … Duo. Nicely done.

I'm pretty sure I'm obligated to post this here
"And I don't think we really need another film about the Holocaust, do we? It's like, how many have there been? You know, we get it - it was grim, move on. No, I'm doing it because I've noticed that if you do a film about the Holocaust - guaranteed Oscar!"


My friends and I regularly have "talking like this" contests. I'm pretty good at it for being so testosteronally challenged.

We named the wireless network at our apartment Teamocil.

"it's like my heart is getting hard …"

or cocaine!