Riff Randell

Will Arnett, I love him …
… but he seriously needs a haircut in that photo. Lookin' a little too John Corbett there for my liking.

Michael: You're losing blood, aren't you?
Gob: Probably, my socks are wet.


I sincerely believe this
The spawn of Will Arnett and Amy Poehler is the comedy messiah, sent to save us from a world of Epic Movie movies and Larry the Cable Guy.

I'm going to further avoid doing actual work this afternoon so I can run to the library and pick this up. Reading is fundamental!

Mr. Phipps, Mr. Phipps, I have a question
Does spelling count?

jwayne, that's probably my very favorite Death Cab song.

Count me in as another non-coffee-drinker who gets her kicks solely from soda. I'm no friend of Starbucks, but I actually cannot get through the day without some Diet Coke. It's a problem.

You say Riffs like it's a bad thing.

Both Sides, that's not where Strangers comes in (so to speak). It's during the funeral scene, where it's got quite an emotional impact.

AJR, you're making me INSANE hungry. Nothing fills a hole in your stomach - or heart - like really excellent Mexican food.

Eczema Xplosion Doritos

Referring them where? Or to whom? So, so many questions.

Really, Both Sides? You don't think that a song like Strangers, with themes of reunification, selflessness and love, could have anything to do with the brothers finally emotionally reuniting? though I guess if you didn't like the movie in the first place, there's little point in me asking.

mbs, put that on a bumper sticker!

Yeah, he completely lost me with the rant about music in movies. It just seemed extraordinarily close-minded. Am I supposed to believe that certain songs, though disparate in origin, can't possibly work together to create a specific atmosphere for a movie? That one specific song — the perfect song for one specific

Is that Papyrus on the seaweed beer label? Seriously?
Judging by the labels, it looks like the ale manufacturers share a design firm with the local Ren Faire. Which shouldn't be that much of a surprise, actually.

Love is watching someone die. Of CancerAIDS.

No worries, Roneesh — notice how I added yet another bit of personal info at the end there, so, you know, if I'd really felt uncomfortable, I'd just have left that out. I'm all about the no-holds-barred screw-privacy Internet generation. Wheee!!! I just never figured that people would actually have retained that

Wow, you all paid attention to that? I feel special, by which I mean I feel stalked.