Riff Randell

Please let it die soon. Please please please.

"Hmmm, this nice man would like to sell me a fun t-shirt," thought fresh-faced young Riff. "I'll definitely send him an email from my regular account, with my credit card information and a tease about a naked picture. Nothing could possibly go wrong there."

Did you think I was kidding, ZMF? No. I was not kidding. If you - or someone - makes that t-shirt, I will buy it. I can't be the only one, either.

Thanks, ET and Nein. That explains a lot.

A Got Milk shirt? Really?
What year is this? Where am I?

lovemydog and I are trying to get him to make stickers. And t-shirts!

Yeah, no, I'm pretty sure there are about 30 billion other Megans my age. I'm probably the only one who's not blonde/preppy/cheerleader/airheaded, but still - I'm safe. It's practically my generation's John Doe.

Martian, what makes that comment really freaky is that my real name is actually Megan. So yeah, I can relate.

Katie Holmes was First Daughter. Mandy Moore was in "Chasing Liberty."

Kate Winslet's Extras appearance trumps all. ALL! "I'm fudding myself stupid and I'm bloody loving it!"

At least one bad, bad, bad marriage. That could be enough. Possibly drug rumors, also.

I'm with teadoust. It was … interesting. Very dark. More than one laugh-out-loud moment. But a little disturbing. By the end I sort of felt like I'd been manipulated, but I was strangely okay with that. I probably wouldn't see it again.

I just got the image in my head of two Teddy Roosevelts facing each other, dueling pistols at the ready. It's pretty awesome.

I'll stick up for Be Kind Rewind. It was a gentle sort of humor, but I still laughed my head off.

I choose to pretend that Robert Downey Jr. did not put out that album. That makes it easier to imagine that he put out in my bed.

Rio Bravo is pretty good, okay
Is this where I come out of the closet as a Western lover? Is it a safe space? Okay, here goes.

hee hee … Lisztomania.

Oooh, a Twinkie Weiner Sandwich!

Scarlett Johansson > Jessica Biel (barely)
Christopher Nolan > Niel Burger
Bale & Jackman everything ever

I can refute your thesis with three words, and those words are "Guys and Dolls."