Riff Randell

mmmmhmmmmm …. Labyrinth.

I've posted this here before, right?


Oh man, something tells me they'd make pretty awesome parents.

And was it just me, or were there a crapTON of buzzkills this time? They all seemed to run together. After a certain point, you just want to stay in under the covers and watch All the Real Girls until you fall asleep.

By all accounts, she's fairly normal. Not Saffy-normal, but maybe enough to be called "OH YOU LITTLE BITCH TROLL FROM HELL."

Really? Because once upon a time, I named mine after Simon and Hecubus. Yay for naming your private parts after obscure 90's sketch comedy!

Showalter was my favorite. Maybe David Wain, also.

"I love you, Captain Monterrey Jack!"

So would I! And the poster, and the t-shirt. I'd look good in that t-shirt, ZMF. Make it happen.

PUT DOWN THE FORK. Think of your future, son.

There's only one way to react to this
and that is:

I wear Liz Lemon outfits almost exclusively, right down to the glasses and the bicurious shoes. She's something of a role model.

Yeah, Maggie Gyllenhaal must be one lucky lady.

National Enquirer's Bat Boy!
The horror that lurks in every grocery store aisle. Nightmares, let me tell you.

Aww, Roneesh, that's really sweet. I love it when these boards bring the snark, but when there are genuine moments like this to balance it out, that makes it even better.

Not a guy. Not a guy. A freaky, gravelly-voiced, creepy long-necked, terrifying nightmare thing.

Psh, that's easy. Just cast me, because I'm awesome. And my eyes are the green of a dollar bill!

Oooh, Troll, take me! Take me, you handsome trust-fund bastard, you. Take me and have your way with me and then buy me jewelry. You are so, so wise.

Sorry to sell you short there, mbs. I totally forgot about your healthy appreciation for the ellipsis … For what it's worth, I was a little bit proud to be called the female you.