Riff Randell

Oh, I was definitely scared by The Neverending Story. It was the giant white lion-headed animal, I think? I don't actually know, since I was so scared of it as a kid and I've never thought to revisit it now.

So was I. You know what I was really scared of? Fish. Until I hit elementary school. Just incredibly deathly scared of fish.

You're right! The head shape! ET and his freaky head! It made me nauseous.

Who the hell lets 9-year-olds watch R-rated movies? sheesh.

I suppose I'll come clean here and admit that I was still pretty deeply scared of that movie for the next, oh, four years or so, until I was 12 or 13. I can't tell you why - something about the voice, or the giant eyes, or the neck, or the creepy slimy fingers. Just wholly terrifying.


I liked it. Glad to see such a stellar cast getting work. (Paul Schneider, especially.)

Yes, much better to keep them all here.

Yeesh, 30 straight minutes? I'd think they'd just get sore, after awhile. No wonder she was so reluctant.

Wow, I can't wait to see what kind of guy considers himself rich enough to sleep with me! It will be so exciting to find out who can afford to take care of me, what with my steady income, apartment and car. I guess I just have low-maintenance taste in material things, so I must have low standards in men. Which is

Dwight was the king of tonight
He was the only one who had me cracking up consistently. He's hilarious when he's hyper, like he's all hopped up on sugar.

Don't feel bad. I missed the Steve Jobs joke as well, and now I'm kicking myself. The black turtleneck should have tipped me off.

"Is it residual attraction or is he just being a dick?"
He's just being a dick.

There was open mouth on ears. And some first quadrant action. So, at least some heavy making out and a boob-grab or two? Which is pretty classy, as far as sex-for-favors go.

My bird, Sonny
- I absolutely love it when Tracy and Jenna team up. Specials indeed.

I like to think the punctuation counts for something… but hey, maybe not.

Rosa is supposed to be energetic, exuberant, statuesque and artistic. Natalie Portman is wispy and nasal. And short. Far too short.

Yeah, Domino, we couldn't have been friends, since I was an N*Sync girl. Except wait, how do you feel about Clarissa Explains it All? Or Alex Mack? Because those were amazing.

Are you sure? Because yeah, you can come out and fight villains with me, but it also involves making my coffee and arranging my gigolos through a third or fourth party. can you keep your mouth shut in front of tabloid reporters? If I ask you if I look fat in this spandex, will you be complimentary? Where do you see

If I ever turn into a neon-colored early-80's Saturday morning cartoon superhero I will name myself Starswarm. go Starswarm go!