Riff Randell

I want him to snarl at me.


With that party scene, this ad just went from "adorable old people who need hearing aids" to "creepy stalker craving validation."

Oh, I know, it's fantastic. Planets away from Eddie's little outburst. But only one is the earworm, you know?

"Cumming." No, seriously.

Right, because any woman who expresses a preference for men outside the Ken-doll Hollywood norm is automatically a vapid, gold-digging slut. Jeez, Herpes, try not to sound so bitter.

Sporty was my favorite. Also, Scary, because of her hair. And I still want a Union Jack minidress, preferably one with sparklies.

How can I trust that you won't sully my pure artistic vision? I'm going to need to retain creative control over this.

Jim Rockford speaks the truth.

Ugh, you're right, Sybil. And I believe she covered "My Generation." It wasn't good.

Oooh, Brody would make a really good Kavalier. But I don't know if a movie could do the book justice - the scope of the novel is really quite grand, if you think about it. I wouldn't want to sit through a three-hour K&C movie, but I wouldn't want to see a screen version that neuters the character development either.

My buddies and I will probably just buy one ticket to "I Love You, Man" and then go see this and Adventureland as well. Aaaaand that will be my Saturday.

I don't have the heart to bash poor Hannah Montana
Because 11-year-old me would totally have been into this shit, you don't even know.

PS, Seth Rogen, if you're reading this, I would be okay with it if you were to be my boyfriend or something. You are adorable. We could sit around and get high together, and you would make me laugh. Just saying.

So she can have a Normal Teenage Life, of course! Because everyone wants to be a normal high school kid without all the fame and the glitz and the money and the popularity.

a cross between Wes Anderson and Taxi Driver? Are you serious?
That clinches it. I'm seeing this.

I can do it, Chief, I know I can! If you'd just give me one chance to let me prove it to you. One chance, Chief. That's all I ask.

Oh man, Bird on the Wire is just such a beautiful song. But I can't hear it anymore without thinking of AbFab's version. I can't tell if that ruins it for me or makes it better.

Oh yeah, they're trying to force it down our throats. But whatever, I welcome it - two new Office episodes, one new 30 Rock and also this? That's two straight hours of good-to-splendid TV. Yes, I am NBC's bitch on Thursday nights. I might even watch Southland.

I haven't seen the Wire yet, either. I feel like I should start that instead of spending time on this. (Besides, I don't feel like watching Ben McKenzie unless Seth Cohen is also involved.)