Riff Randell

"Caspian Tredwell-Owen"
You're kidding, right? That's like a sci-fi channel name, or a Harlequin Red Dress Romance name.

I blame this show and Waitress for at least five of my extra pounds.

Yes, but who will be the charming c-list celebrity host?

GLaDOS and Yummsh were clearly born without tastebuds. Tragic.

Why is there so little love for rhubarb here?

Let's just think about how much better it would be with some apple pie filling and acorns on top. And a tablescape!

Took them long enough
As restitution, we the people will require some nice pie.

Amen, werdsmiff. And double points if the non-pandering comedy is actually, you know, funny. Double negative points if it ends, as Tina Fey put it, with "a goddamn wedding."

I actually looked up the "double pits to chesty" ad after reading about it just now. all I'm saying is, I'm completely shocked that it wasn't a boob joke. (or was it and I just didn't get it?)

dammit Tom, you couldn't have put up a spoiler alert?

I would have devoted my considerable resources to curing disease, ending illiteracy and promoting peace.

Yeesh, budget season. Be strong, Miller! Try to avoid death by paper cuts. those packets can be real bitches.

Math is hard!

did they never pause to think that maybe "all publicity is good publicity" doesn't extend to publicly implying that your employees have sex with your ovens? Not on. With. Ick.

five dollar


What, you don't think preteens in platform heels can inspire women worldwide to subvert the dominant patriarchal paradigm?

"I want them to make more movies for girls, and just for girls. I want studios to start doing that."
Rashida Jones: feminist hero? Awesome.

Way to keep it classy, what with the respectful compliment and the awesome new avatar. gold star.

I bet I am more excited for Parks and Recreation than you are
As someone who just worked all night through a killer flu to write about suburban city council and school board elections … I feel like I'm going to understand this show. (People who get worked up over municipal government are surprisingly hilarious, guys.