Riff Randell

Awesome. Oh wait, let me rephrase that like a true Hold Steady fan would:

three words: shut up, Lutz.

Hey spoiler lover, you beat me to the em dash correction. I hate to be that guy,* but the em dash is definitely my favorite piece of punctuation.

Yeah, and we didn't go to Dallas
Cause Jackie Onassis said
That it ain't safe for Catholics yet
Think about what they pulled on Kennedy and then think about his security
Then think about what they might try to pull on you and me

And where's the coverage of the Hold Steady's new DVD/live album double disc set? Are we drunken hipster douchebags here or are we not?

Burl! I haven't seen you around here in awhile, buddy! We missed you! ::hugs::

No, it's the accent, I'm pretty sure.

Yeah, let's not mistake callowness for douchitude. He's not bad.

::sits down, crosses legs, arches eyebrow::

In your defense, I bet the bright yellow hydrogenated soybean oil makes a pretty good lube.

Raw shark? What do you mean, you've got raw shark?

Yeah, aren't you supposed to be hiring a fancy new intern to fix all of this? (pick me, pick me!)

I'm just saying, we know he can make this decent, but wouldn't you rather see him really shine? Ehh, whatever. I'm not going to begrudge him a paycheck.

Which is why I had Watchmen pegged from the first notes of that Smashing Pumpkins song.

But his job isn't to make Elm Street "somewhat salvagable," it's to make other decent movies spectacular. He's too talented for this.

This is why Wicker Park is scared to go to sleep these days.

Regardless of quality, one of them is going to be the big, summer-defining hit. Who wants in on my AV Club pool?

Re: groping: Seriously, who pays $20 for two hours of bad dialogue, intellectually insulting plots and fake butter? And don't even get me started on the quality of the movies! Yuk yuk yuk.

My little brother once convinced a very nice middle-aged church lady that this song called "Stairway to Heaven" would be an excellent addition to next week's service. that always gives me the giggles.

Parts of it are genuinely scary. I mean, in an awesome way, but still scary.